
Blood of the Dragon (Relic Hunters Book 4) by Martin Ferguson – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

Blood of the Dragon (Relic Hunters, #4)Blood of the Dragon by Martin Ferguson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book starts at the ruined Poenari Castle in Romania where it is pouring with rain and cold and a small group have gotten past the local armed forces guarding it and have managed to climb the seemingly endless staircase to get to it, it is rumoured to contain the long lost treasure hoard of an infamous Prince, but when they discover a couple of old coins in the ruins as well as an old silver chalice with an unusual engraving, they are hopeful that they will find it, but that is until all the lights go out around them and they are viciously attacked.

Forty years later, a Professor and friend of the leader of the Relic Hunters of the British Museum Charles, start to receive threatening phone calls and letters and their office and house are ransacked, they decide to call Charles and ask for his help, while in a taxi on their way to the museum, they are attacked by a masked man and his mercenaries. They are nearly rammed off the road multiple times, they are peppered with gunfire and when the taxi is finally overturned and they are dragged from it with a gun pressed to their head, just in the nick of time, Adam and Emma of the hunters come to their rescue and take them to the museum after Charles received their messages for aid.

As the trio enter the museum, the Professor is astounded to see the part of the underground area of the Museum they are being led through, but are not happy when they find out that Charles isn’t there, but are happy to find out that the team will still help them. As the Professor explains what the people were after her for, it turns out that it is the diary of one of those attacked in Romania and that she bought through an auction, after it had finally been made public. As its contents are revealed and the location within it are discussed, the team come to a decision to go to the castle in question with the Professor and help them that they will set off there as soon as they are ready, but this is where the danger starts, secrets are revealed and paths cross in a most mysterious way.

This is yet another fantastic installment in the Relic Hunters series and one full of twists, turns, mysteries and action which well and truly sucks you in, but will the Hunters be able to overcome their latest adversary or will this plea for help be one they can’t fulfil?

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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