Darby’s Cafe by Cori Cooper

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By day, Cori Cooper is the mild-mannered (sort of) Wife to her high school love, the Mother of four punny, movie-quoting, awesome-sauce kiddos who are adults and teens now, (yeah, that happened fast), and the Writer of stories that (hopefully) leave readers with a warm and slightly squishy feeling. (That’s not weird at all).
And by night… Cori Cooper is sleeping because that’s her fifth favorite thing to do.
Writing and publishing books is a long-time dream come true. Sometimes she has to pinch herself (also not at all weird) that she’s actually doing the thing she imagined when she was six years old. It’s surreal, and yet, stinking amazing.
So when she’s not hanging out with her fabulous family, or writing stories, Cori loves reading or listening to books that make her want to be a better person. She has a fetish for watching cheesy Hallmark movies with her girls – the cheesier the better. She’s passionate about baking anything that has copious amounts of butter, and quite frequently, she can be found rearranging furniture, organizing closets, and changing the color of paint on interior walls.
You can connect with Cori on Instagram, Facebook, Bookbub, Goodreads and her website – Coristories.com