
Regaining Integrity (Code of Honor Book 4) by Brooke May – Review by Shea Gilkerson 8/17/23

Regaining Integrity (Code of Honor)Regaining Integrity by Brooke May
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Angelica Reece was a sweet, shy, nerdy good girl high school student who followed the rules, kept to herself, and despite herself, had a crush on the cool, smooth upperclassman and Lothario – Chase Thorne. Chase never met a girl he couldn’t woo, and Angelica was no different – or not really. While she stayed out of his way and didn’t let his efforts affect her outwardly, wasn’t popular, and didn’t slather on makeup and wear short skirts, she was no less impressed than the rest of the female population. Or at least, not until that day in the library.

While finding a book for school, Chase comes around the end of the aisle and begins to sweet talk shy Angelica – is she dreaming? This doesn’t feel like it could possibly be real for him to be telling her how much he likes her…until he kissed her! Angelica had never kissed anyone before, and now her crush was her first? It’s beyond her wildest dreams – until her mortal enemy starts cackling from behind Chase. Her interest in Chase is finally dashed, as she is embarrassed more than she’s ever been in her life!

Chase loves women, and women love Chase. After graduation, he left town to join the military. The strict rules and rugged country he travels around whips Chase into a buff and sturdy man with strong convictions, a sharp jaw and as much charm as ever. While he matured in many ways, his taste for female company slowed down but never went away. When he meets his nephews gorgeous favorite teacher, his interest is piqued.

Angelica kept her grades high in the rest of high school, went to college and got her teaching degree just like she always wanted. While she was a wallflower in high school, however – she now was a confident and straightforward woman who was aware of what she offered the opposite sex. She enjoys dressing to strengthen her confidence, and is not afraid to be beautiful on top of being smart and wonderfully kind.

When she hears from a favorite student how he wants her to meet his favorite uncle that just came back to town, Angelica tries to get out of being on car lane to avoid seeing Chase Thorne again, she feels a bit dashed to realize he doesn’t remember her – and here he was still in first place for being the most embarrassing moment of her entire life! Chase, unaware of how this stunning teacher can’t be impressed by him, keeps pulling out all the tricks.

After a run in with one another in public, Angelica gets a pep talk that convinces her to take her opportunity to experience THE Chase Thorne treatment, the pair become steamy. Chase continues to not remember Angelica, even after having several of his friends and family show shock that he can’t place her. He does feel inklings of a shared past, but with his history he is having trouble placing her.

After blundering through several attempts to get to know Angelica better, Chase realizes he really wants to have a relationship with her. After finally remembering how he knew her in high school, he takes it very seriously to show her how sorry he is for past choices.

This was a cute, quick read that offered some quick steamy scenes but spent most of the time focusing on how much love can make people want to be and do better. Great book to close out summer before all the busyness and stressors of a new school year.

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