
Ashes of Sin and Stardust (AnchorX #1) by Lindsay Murray-Review by Amanda Kimble

Ashes of Sin and StardustAshes of Sin and Stardust by Lindsay Murray
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Ashes of Sin and Stardust (AnchorX) by Lindsay Murray

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. Ashes of Sin and Stardust is the first book in the AnchorX Series. This book isn’t recommended for anyone under 18! Read the author’s note if you want to know what you’re reading.

Ruben is the master of all things kink. He has visions of the girl that is his. The only problem is once he meets her then he decides not to do it. Can he break down her walls? The quote I chose for Ruben is: “Let’s get this done quickly. I wasn’t expecting to have to come in this early, and I’m missing a phone call to be here, but we try to be accommodating to other people’s time here at Mountain Valley Baptist Church. Can you four please give me a rundown of what you need in order to make this happen?”

Alice is a loudmouth who talks when nervous. She also likes getting on Ruben’s nerves when he’s around. She gets really bad bouts of depression. The quote I chose for Alice is: “I will take everything you know and love. I will be ruthless. I will put you in the ground. There won’t be anything left by the time I’m done. Only ashes. Ashes of your dignity and your honor. You will bow to me, you will praise my name, and you will burn that game as a sacrifice to the board game gods because you will never want to suffer that kind of slaughter ever again… And the worst part is? You’ll like it.”

Highly recommended for Erotica Romance lovers.

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