
Evil Sushi (Evil Sushi Book 1) by C.A. King – Review by Santana Hicks

Evil Sushi (Evil Sushi #1)Evil Sushi by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

One day Rod and Ned go fishing and come across a new species they have never seen before. Rod’s camera also picked up some footage of something big, real big. They bring the fish home and realize that this could solve all their money problems. Little do they know that the fish are off. Once consumed, people start to mutate. It seems like they are turning into ocean creatures.

Rod assumed that it is the work of the big creature he saw on his camera. He also named her Evil Sushi. The three of them (Rod, Ned, and Ned’s daughter Sally) team up with the help of the government to take down this Evil Sushi while trying to figure out the mutations.

After reading this book, I immediately started the next one in the series! I’m hooked!

This book was such a fun little read. It had all the elements, mystery, suspense, romance, you name it! I loved how each character was written to have their own flaws and personality. A trio you wouldn’t think would get along let alone work together as one. Rod the quiet tech geek, Ned the bitter old man who has a big mouth, and Sally the shy old fashioned romantic.

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