
Controlling Heritage (Control #5) by Anna Edwards – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Controlling Heritage (Control #5)Controlling Heritage by Anna Edwards
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Controlling Heritage (The Control Series Book 5) by Anna Edwards is the fifth book in her The Control series. This story can be read as a stand alone. This is the first book I have read in this series and I know that I will be going back to read the previous four books. One of my favorite things I love about this author is her writing style and her attention to details. I know that when I open one of her books that I am going on a journey that I will not want to put down. I know exactly what I am getting with her books and this one didn’t disappoint either. This story is full of hot, steamy romance and BDSM. This story has some suspense that will leave you sitting on the edge of your seat. You will fall in love with these characters as they pop off the page and right into your life. Find out what happens to these characters as they start a journey of romance and things they never expected to find.

Sophie North is a young woman who has had some emotional situations that haunt her in a way. She is the sister of James North who had been beaten because of his BDSM life style which you can gain some perspective on from websites similar to This has left her scarred and now she hides her real self behind her career of personal assistant. What she really wants is for someone to own her. What will happen when she meets him?

Grayson Moore is a Native American movie star that has a slutty reputation. He likes his alcohol, fast cars and women who are just as fast. But is he now looking for something more? When he fires his PA, he hires her. He never expected to fall for her. Will he give up his ways for her?

Sophie and Grayson are so great together. They were attracted to each other from the second they set eyes on each other. I loved that she was speechless when she looked at him. They are both such strong characters that it was hard to pick a favorite character. He is just so controlling, handsome and so giving to her. She just wants to be controlled by him although she can be sassy when she wants to be. The suspense these characters bring to this story is mind blowing and you won’t want to miss it. The secondary characters are just as great and really do make the story complete. They are supportive towards Sophie and Grayson. This story is really about being true to yourself and accepting who you are. I found is awesome that Sophie grows so much in this story and just plain learns to accept things for what they are. You will have to read this story to see what I am talking about.

This is my third story by Anna Edwards and I totally am in love with her books and her characters. Her story is engaging and will keep you reading until the last word. I totally lost track of time in this story and couldn’t put it down. You will love how it is fast paced. I would have a glass of ice water sitting next to you because you will need it with this couple. I highly recommend this story as I know you will want to see what happen when a movie star and his PA get together!

Review by @bjwagner
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