
Shadows of Doubt (A Crawford Mystery) by Merissa Racine – Review by Char Whatomy-Alba

Shadows of Doubt (A Crawford Mystery)Shadows of Doubt by Merissa Racine

The second book in the Crawford series is just as good as the first one. Lauren is back doing her job as a court stenographer although the jobs are few and far between. She is so far behind on her bills that she is desperate enough to take a job with her ex-husbabd who is now a judge. Together they are on one of the biggest trials Crawford has possibly ever seen. A young delivery boy stands accused of murdering an elderly lady. The lady in question had just been in court with Lauren the day before concerning her competency. Based on how things were going surely one of the bitter children is the culprit? The further they get into the court proceedings the more Lauren thinks the accused is innocent. Is she willing to risking losing what little income she is getting to speak up?