Hannah and Jed are on two different sides in the new America, Hannah under a religious strict mother that sees any interaction with slaves as sin and unbecoming, while Jed is to be the head of his family and as such he must be educated and prepared.
In a place in history where a recently free country is developing, decisions are taking place in the old continent regarding this newness, this book is a slow story of a combination of diverse agendas.
https://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.png00Paloma Fierrohttps://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.pngPaloma Fierro2024-03-02 14:13:342024-03-25 11:23:50Dark Sky at Dawn (Free Men and Dreamers Book 1) by L.C. Lewis – Review by Paloma Fierro 2/3/24
<a href=”https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/200949448-dark-sky-at-dawn” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Dark Sky at Dawn (Free Men and Dreamers, #1)” src=”https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1698541050l/200949448._SX98_.jpg” /></a><a href=”https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/200949448-dark-sky-at-dawn”>Dark Sky at Dawn</a> by <a href=”https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1743696.Laurie_L_C_Lewis”>Laurie L.C. Lewis</a><br/> My rating: <a href=”https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6306231799″>4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br /> This was the first time I have read anything by this author and I enjoyed every second. I have always been interested in history and I felt as though I learned some new things. The way the facts of the time were woven into the authors story was done well and it made you feel like you were in that time period. This genre is not something I would normally read, but the synopsis sounded so interesting that I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to read it. I will definitely be reading the other books in this series and keep my eye out more books by this author. <br/><br/> <a href=”https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/106111308-charlisa-wahtomy-alba”>View all my reviews</a>
https://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.png00Charlisa Wahtomy-Albahttps://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.pngCharlisa Wahtomy-Alba2024-02-29 23:39:472024-03-25 11:06:23Dark Sky at Dawn (Free Men and Dreamers Book 1) by L.C. Lewis – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba
I enjoy reading this author. This is the second book I have picked up from this author and I enjoy her writing style. The period of the War of 1812 is not my typical go-to genre but I gave it a try and I’m glad I did. The attention to detail and the storyline build are just a few of the traits I love about this author. The building of the relationship between Jed and Hanna is truly wonderful and pure. Jed is the heir to a plantation and a family with years of secrets; buying slaves to build back up the Willow’s Estate. Now little does Jed know Hanna’s family is the key to putting all the family secrets together. I definitely recommend the book and author!
https://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.png00Ashley Lapehttps://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.pngAshley Lape2024-02-29 22:10:062024-03-25 11:05:53Dark Sky at Dawn (Free Men and Dreamers Book 1) by L.C. Lewis – Review by Ashley Lape
Dark Sky at Dawn is the first part of a five book series and quite a solid start to the story line! This is a well researched historical fiction, set in the early 1800s and the beginnings of the nation. The characters are so well written, it is like reading a real memoir or telling of things that actually happened. Dark Sky at Dawn is full of struggle as the characters battle through life in an unbearable time, living and experiencing things like slavery, war, spies, and corruption. This is a lengthy book, but a well paced and hard to put down story that makes it a fast read. I am not typically a fan of historical fiction but this one won me over and I will be continuing on with the rest of the series.
https://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.png00Amanda Swindlehttps://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.pngAmanda Swindle2024-02-29 19:06:432024-03-25 11:03:29Dark Sky at Dawn (Free Men and Dreamers Book 1) by L.C. Lewis – Review by Amanda Swindle
I have read one book from this author before which I loved, so I picked this one up even though it wasn’t my normal go-to genre. I am so happy that I did because Laurie L.C. Lewis has such a magnificent way of crafting their stories that I haven’t found anywhere else. From two books, I have moved her to my watch list so I can pick up more! I cannot believe that I felt completely immersed in the 1800s, as silly as that may sound. The world around me ceased to exist as I invested myself in the characters. I felt like I was on an emotional rollercoaster throughout reading about the War of 1812. You can truly feel the amount of heart that was poured into this work of art, and even after finishing the book it stays with you for quite a while. I highly recommend picking this up if you enjoy historical fiction!
https://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.png00Shannen Kernhttps://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.pngShannen Kern2024-02-29 19:04:192024-03-25 11:03:23Dark Sky at Dawn (Free Men and Dreamers Book 1) by L.C. Lewis – Review by Shannen Kern
I do not usually read novels in this style but thought what the heck, it sounds interesting so I will give it a try. I was not disappointed. The story was intense and surprisingly good. It was really interesting to read about part of America’s history from the viewpoint of people living in that time, even if they were fictional characters. It is a good story and I recommend it for those that enjoy reading historical novels.
https://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.png00Cindy Rushinhttps://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.pngCindy Rushin2024-02-29 18:33:502024-03-25 11:02:36Dark Sky at Dawn (Free Men and Dreamers Book 1) by L.C. Lewis – Review by Cindy Rushin
This is an author that I have enjoyed reading from the first book I picked up with her. I enjoy her writing style as well as her attention to details that make her characters come to life on every page. This is a well written story about Jed and Hannah. Their story takes place during the War of 1812. He is the heir to a plantation with a family with secrets. She comes from a family that holds the key to a riddle. What happens to them you do not want to miss. They take you on an emotional journey that you don’t want to see end. They are great characters that are connectable and pull you in from the start. I enjoyed watching their growth as well as the chemistry between them. This is a fast paced, engaging, hard to put down story that I highly recommend. This is a must read for sure!
https://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.png00Bobbi Wagnerhttps://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.pngBobbi Wagner2024-02-29 13:24:022024-03-25 10:57:11Dark Sky at Dawn (Free Men and Dreamers Book 1) by L.C. Lewis – Review by Bobbi Wagner
A wonderfully written historical novel about the children of the Founding Fathers, who were the first American born generation. Set during the war of 1812, I found myself transported back to that era through the authors descriptive narrative and the added historical details. Following the signing of the Constitution, Washington, Franklin, and Hamilton have all died and the British have been trying to break the spirit of the new young government. America declares war to reconfirm her independence. Both Jed Pearson the heir to a large plantation and visionary women Hannah Stansbury believe that a more divine purpose awaits the Union. However closer to home Jed has a tainted family heritage surrounded by mystery, whilst Hannah’s family may hold the answers he wants. As treacherous forces on both sides battle to manipulate the outcome of the war for their own purposes, Jed and Hannah are about to learn the ultimate definition of liberty. A fascinating story with well-defined main characters in Jed and Hannah. This is an era of history that I’m not familiar with, and I thought the author did a great job of setting the scene and explaining the history whilst also providing an engaging story.
https://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.png00Jennifer Gordonhttps://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.pngJennifer Gordon2024-02-29 10:09:562024-03-25 11:01:43Dark Sky at Dawn (Free Men and Dreamers Book 1) by L.C. Lewis – Review by Jennifer Gordon
Dark Sky at Dawn (Free Men and Dreamers Book 1) by L.C. Lewis. I really enjoyed this historical fiction book. I can’t wait to read the next one. Its the story of Jed & Frannie Pearson and their life on a Maryland Plantation. Its set during the war in 1812 and all the craziness that happened. Jed is in charge of buying slaves for the plantation. Some of the slave owners treated their families horribly but Jed always treated them like family. Jed has a dear friend Hannah Stansbury actually they are in love and have been for a long time. There is a secret within Hannah’s family that comes out and makes for tense times. This book was written so well that I actually felt like I was there and the way some of those slaves were treated was horrible. It was actually hard to read about. I really enjoyed this book and the drama that ensues. I can’t wait to read the next installment.
https://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.png00Tausha Treadwayhttps://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.pngTausha Treadway2024-02-29 09:37:272024-03-25 11:01:35Dark Sky at Dawn (Free Men and Dreamers Book 1) by L.C. Lewis – Review by Tausha Treadway
The world building in this story was great. All the details transported me back in time. The characters were so realistic, it was like she was telling a story she heard from a relative who lived during that time. This story was clearly researched with factual themes, yet it was beautifully intertwined with fiction. Very good start to this series!
https://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.png00Crystal Brehanthttps://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.pngCrystal Brehant2024-02-28 14:00:392024-03-25 10:49:53Dark Sky at Dawn (Free Men and Dreamers Book 1) by L.C. Lewis – Review by Crystal Brehant
Dark Sky at Dawn is the first Volume in a 5-book historical fiction series, Free Men and Dreamers. This is an amazing start to the series. L. C. Lewis uses vibrant world building to show the reader what life would have been like in America leading up to the War of 1812. I was transported to America in the early 1800s, rode along with Jed tasked with the difficult duty of purchasing slaves off the boat from Africa in order to build up the Willows Estate, and overheard corrupt conversation in England between those interested in taking back America. Lewis’s writing drew me in from the start and had me reading until the wee hours of the morning. Her characters are so strikingly realistic that it seems as if she must have time traveled to create such characters. As with other books by this author, it feels as though L. C. Lewis has done countless research into the time period. From romance to slavery, secrets to spirituality, corruption, greed, and war; Dark Sky at Dawn has it all! This book created such powerful emotions within me that it was difficult to conceal my thoughts while reading. I cannot wait to read the next book in this series!
https://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.png00Mandy Otthttps://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.pngMandy Ott2024-02-25 20:49:472024-03-20 10:59:16Dark Sky at Dawn (Free Men and Dreamers Book 1) by L.C. Lewis – Review by Mandy Ott
My knowledge of American history is limited to my children’s social study academia. This was a very interesting read for me where the author takes us through the post Independence times with such detail. Through the eyes of the two main characters , Jed and Hannah, the author cruises through the struggles faced during those times, slavery, freedom, espionage, war and corruption. The story is set in early 1800s and a lot of research has gone into this book , and the author has done a wonderful job seamlessly blending the history with fiction. This was a very informative read for me.
https://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.png00Anantha Rusumhttps://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.pngAnantha Rusum2024-02-24 19:15:132024-03-20 10:53:17Dark Sky at Dawn (Free Men and Dreamers Book 1) by L.C. Lewis – Review by Anantha Rusum
Featuring wonderfully diverse characters, this book seeks to explore a time in our nation’s history that can be uncomfortable. The main characters are progressive and forward thinking, particularly for their times. Readers wrestle with the theme of religion versus spirituality. How can dignity be brought into totally undignified situations? Is it possible for compassion to override the inhumane? Read to find out.
https://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.png00Alison Risherhttps://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.pngAlison Risher2024-02-21 19:00:472024-03-19 21:16:29Dark Sky at Dawn (Free Men and Dreamers Book 1) by L.C. Lewis – Review by Alison Risher
Dark Sky at Dawn is the first book in the Free Men and Dreamers series, a wonderful historical fiction based in the year 1812. Laurie has done an amazing job of pulling you back in time, and has clearly done her research! Every character was wonderfully written, and I fell in love with (almost) each and every character!! I have always loved historical fictions, and love finding new series to read, and this is definitely worth it! I definitely look forward to reading the rest of this series!
https://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.png00Finn Cunninghamhttps://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.pngFinn Cunningham2024-02-21 06:28:062024-03-19 21:16:20Dark Sky at Dawn (Free Men and Dreamers Book 1) by L.C. Lewis – Review by Finn Cunningham
As a lover of history, this story was absolutely right up my alley. I thought the author did a great job of creating a historical fiction novel that was incredibly well written and researched. You absolutely feel like you back in the early 1800’s as our country is still finding its footing within the rest of the world. The author has created complex and well developed characters in Jed and Hannah. You absolutely will not want to put this book down until you have finished the very last page. The author definitely created a vivid and detailed story. I can’t wait to read the rest of the series.
https://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.png00Amanda Haller-Dorishttps://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.pngAmanda Haller-Doris2024-02-18 20:51:032024-03-19 21:14:04Dark Sky at Dawn (Free Men and Dreamers Book 1) by L.C. Lewis – Review by Amanda Haller-Doris
Dark Sky at Dawn is the first book in the Free Men and Dreamers series. This story follows Jed Pearson and Hannah Stansbury during the days of the War of 1812. This historical fiction gives a lot of historical facts intertwined with a lot of intriguing fiction. The plot was well-crafted and made me feel as if I were watching a movie. There is so much detail and knowledge poured into the story. The characters are complex. The author navigates our nation’s complicated history very well. This story was very informative and engaging.
https://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.png00La Toya Lewishttps://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.pngLa Toya Lewis2024-02-17 16:27:032024-03-18 17:42:56Dark Sky at Dawn (Free Men and Dreamers Book 1) by L.C. Lewis – Review by La Toya Lewis
What a way to start a new series. I thoroughly enjoyed this series. Based on our countries founding, the author looked into her research and you can tell that she used it in her story. The details are there. The characters all felt so real and relatable. Jed and Hannah go through so much. This is a story that you’ll dive in from the start and not come up until the end. It’s quite a roller coaster of adventure as the country is set up for war. I can’t recommend this book enough. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the series.
https://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.png00Shelly Kittellhttps://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.pngShelly Kittell2024-02-17 06:31:332024-03-19 21:13:07Dark Sky at Dawn (Free Men and Dreamers Book 1) by L.C. Lewis – Review by Shelly Kittell
This book is a well written and detailed historical romance story and it really felt like it connected with the characters. Their struggles, their fights and the journeys they go on all felt so real and relatable and even though it is a time and place I have no experience of. The author has done an amazing job of transporting you into the story and I loved watching it all unfold. This author is one that I have read a few books previously and they are always this good. I thoroughly enjoyed this book from start to finish and I am looking forward to the next book.
https://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.png00Kerry Bakerhttps://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.pngKerry Baker2024-02-16 14:46:462024-02-22 08:40:35Dark Sky at Dawn (Free Men and Dreamers Book 1) by L.C. Lewis – Review by Kerry Baker
I found this a really interesting read. As this is a story about America and it’s history I went into it not knowing very much, however the authors amazing attention to detail and the research that was put into it really brought it to life for me. As well as all the historical references which I loved the author has created characters which are great and really make you invested in their stories and their lives and how everything that was happening at the time affected them no matter their social status, colour or job. Everyone was affected by the happenings of this time and it was humbling to read about the struggles that went on for a lot of people during this time. There is so much going on in this story with danger, corruption, war, hope, dreams of freedom and so much more than I can ever explain. It is a book which it keep you reading until the end and as it is book 1 in the Freemen and Dreamers series I can’t wait to read more.
https://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.png00Kerry Carrhttps://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.pngKerry Carr2024-02-16 08:45:482024-02-16 09:28:08Dark Sky at Dawn (Free Men and Dreamers Book 1) by L.C. Lewis – Review by Kerry Carr
Dark Sky at Dawn is the first book in the Free Men and Dreamer’s Series by Laurie L.C. Lewis. It is another superb historical fiction story that is full of plenty of heart and soul. What sets this story apart from others in the same genre is not only Ms. Lewis’s wonderful storytelling talent and skilful writing, but also all the historical detailing that drew me in and transported me to the early 1800’s, and the founding of a nation. Ms. Lewis has crafted an engrossing tale full of American history, secrets, emotion, family, faith, spirituality, liberty, sacrifice, freedom, hope, politics, espionage, corruption, war, violence, dramatic developments, challenges, intrigue, and so much more- all through a window in time. There is a lot going on here, with a lot of information, detailing, passion, and clever touches that results in a cleverly constructed and choreographed saga, showcasing (at least for me) the authors passion for history. It’s apparent from Ms. Lewis’s attention to detail here that all that passion, as well as plenty of research, has gone into her work- making for a great read. I can’t wait to continue this saga- so on to Book #2! The series contains: -Dark Sky at Dawn (Book #1) -Twilight’s Last Gleaming (Book #2) -Dawn’s Early Light (Book #3) -Oh, Say Can You See (Book #4) -In God Is Our Trust (Book #5) Happy Reading…
https://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.png00Angela Hayeshttps://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.pngAngela Hayes2024-02-15 23:22:302024-02-16 09:26:30Dark Sky at Dawn (Free Men and Dreamers Book #1) by L.C. Lewis – Review by Angela Hayes
I have read many of Laurie’s stories and have never been disappointed with anything she has written. Laurie’s storytelling is wonderful and instils you with so many emotions. I feel like I was right there with the characters as they struggle with having to deal with life and death and the effects on them and their relationships. These characters made my heart bleed for them as they fight war, spies, corruption, greed, violence, hatred, slavery, freedom and class distinction and so much more. Underneath it all it is a love story. The strength, hope and faith these characters have as they struggle along in this battle for life will have you rooting for them hoping and praying for a miracle. This is an interesting American history tale of the war of 1812, and it is easy to see Laurie’s passion on the subject matter come to life. She has cleverly crafted history and fiction into a seamless blend that left me thinking about it long after I had finished the story. Being that I am not an American this has been a history lesson for me. It will be interesting to see what the second book brings.
https://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.png00Jenni Bishophttps://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.pngJenni Bishop2024-02-15 13:45:582024-02-16 09:19:50Dark Sky at Dawn (Free Men and Dreamers Book 1) by L.C. Lewis – Review by Jenni Bishop
They were the children of the Founding Fathers—the first American-born generation. They were Free Men and Dreamers!
The years following the signing of the Constitution have been riddled with British aggressions aimed at breaking the will of the young government. Washington, Franklin, and Hamilton have died. Their inspired dream is now entrusted to their aged and war-weary peers and to the succeeding generation-men and women, born in liberty.
But divisive evils cast a dark cloud over the promise “We the People,” even as war talk rattles the governing halls. America declares a war to reconfirm her independence . . . a war to protect her “more perfect union”: The War of 1812.
Some believe a more divine purpose awaits the Union in the wake of this war. Such seekers are Jed Pearson, the sensitive heir to both a large plantation and a mysteriously tainted family heritage, and Hannah Stansbury, the visionary woman whose family holds the key to the Pearson riddle.
But treacherous forces on both shores seek to manipulate the war’s outcome for their own purposes, ensnaring Jed and Hannah in dangerous intrigue during this pivotal moment in time when the ultimate definition of liberty is about to come to light.
Laurie (L.C.) Lewis is an award-winning LDS author and a weather-whining lover of Tom, her four kids, their spouses, and thirteen amazing grandkids. She’s also crazy about seafood, nesting boxes, twinkle lights, sappy movies, God, and the sea.
Born in Baltimore, Laurie raised her family within the exciting and history-rich corridor between Philadelphia, Baltimore, and D.C., which made her a politics and history junkie, but a recent move to a house overlooking Utah Lake makes Utah her new love.
Laurie has written fifteenth published novels in multiple genres, penning her women’s fiction and romance novels as Laurie Lewis, and her historical fiction novels as L.C. Lewis.
Her WWII novel, “The Letter Carrier,” won two 2023 Whitney Awards—for Novel of the Year and Best Historical/General Fiction—and the 2023 Readers Favorite Gold Medal for Inspirational Fiction. She’s also a RONE Award Winner (The Dragons of Alsace Farm) and was twice named a New Apple Literary Award winner in 2017 (The Dragons of Alsace Farm) and in 2018, winning Best New Fiction (Love on a Limb). She is also a BRAGG Medallion honoree, and she was twice named a Whitney Awards and USA Best Books Awards finalist.
Laurie’s next release will be book two in her contemporary Christian Romance series, “Silver Buckle Brides. The title is “The Better Man,” and it will release on March 28, 2024.
https://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Dark-Sky-at-Dawn-Kindle.jpg1200800itsybitsybookbitshttps://itsybitsybookbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IBBB_2020_logo_sq.pngitsybitsybookbits2024-02-15 00:00:202024-02-29 09:22:01Dark Sky at Dawn (Free Men and Dreamers Book 1) by L.C. Lewis
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