
Encounters With Old Coyote by Laura Koerber – Review by Santana Hicks

Encounters with Old CoyoteEncounters with Old Coyote by Laura Koerber
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Andrea found out she was dying of cancer and decided to die on her own terms so off she went into the Nevada desert and under the stars. Being an Atheist she expects nothing to happen after death, just gone forever, so when she wakes up as a ghost, Andrea is shocked.

After a bit, a wandering spirit with the face of a coyote and antlers stopped in front of her and asked if he can use her fire to make himself a coffee. From there starts a weird kinship between the two. Andrea starts to question everything, most in the spiritual aspect. While Coyote seems to be there to make her transition easier, letting her tell him all about her life. Stories from her childhood all the way into her seventies.

I tend to not like the slice of life genre but I really enjoy this author’s writing style. They always implement things from a supernatural element which interests me. I think the author does a really good job in describing their world and their characters.

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