
Much Ado About Dying (Guardians of the PHAE Book 2) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Santana Hicks

Much Ado About Dying: An Irish Urban Fantasy Novel (Guardians of the PHAE #2)Much Ado About Dying: An Irish Urban Fantasy Novel by Rowan Dillon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

First things first I want to say, this book jumps right into things. It is set immediately after the first book so make sure you read the first book in the series before this one or you will be a bit lost.

This time around, you follow the same group of ‘unhidden’ people coping with the after effects of the attack in the first novel. The book jumps around between the different groups. Róisín and Qacha start off in a makeshift hospital. Róisín is helping to heal the wounded and sick with her powers while Qacha is a patient. People are getting sick and dying. No one knows what or why it’s happening. Even with Róisín’s powers, the sickness is still spreading. Róisín taps deeper into her powers and taps into an ancient healing god. She welcomes his help but it seems like that may have been a mistake. She notices that certain areas in Ireland seem to have no sickness being reported and Róisín is curious as to why.

Meanwhile, the other unhidden are also tapping into ancient deities with their specific powers. The unhidden will need all the help they can get to purge the world of sickness but at what cost?

Róisín seems to be the main character this time around but the novel also follows the others. One issue I had was the jumping back and forth from person to person. The book would jump ahead and then back in time making it hard to know when and where I was. It would mention something that did not happen yet which confused me. All in all the book was very interesting. I loved learning about Irish lore.

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