
The Christmas Shoes by Donna VanLiere – Review by Colleen Noyes

The Christmas ShoesThe Christmas Shoes by Donna VanLiere
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

So, I’m not sure how I never read this book before or have seen the movie, but I was missing out. This is the story of two families and how different their lives are, but more importantly you see the struggles of each in their own way. This story had me crying from very early on and I never stopped until the end. I found it heart wrenching what one family had to endure, but realized that the other family was dealing with their own mess. It made you think about what is truly important in life and that being rich or poor doesn’t have much to do with it. We often take for granted those little things. One of the things that made me cry the most was Nathan’s mom explaining what was happening to her and that she could be so positive in the face of pain.

One of my favorite passages in the book was “Death’s power is limited– it cannot eradicate memories or slay love. It cannon destroy even a threadbare faith or permanently hobble the smallest hope in God. It cannot permeate the soul, it cannot cripple the spirit. It merely separates us for a while. That is the only power death can claim. — No more – Donna VanLiere”

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