
A Dress To Remember: A Fairy Tale by K.L. Small – Review by Nicole Thompson

The captivating world of Princess Zarina comes alive in this enchanting tale of a magical kingdom, in A Dress To Remember by K.L. Small, featuring kings, queens, knights, carriages, and horses. Known for her beauty and selfishness, Zarina is the thirteenth child of the King and Queen, and her request for the finest dress in the kingdom sends her and her aunt to the mysterious dressmaker deep in the forest. As it turns out, the cloth is cursed with dark magic. On the return trip to the castle, Zarina meets locals who resent the King and Overseer for their oppressive policies, but before she can help, the royal family is killed. This riveting story follows the young princess as she endeavors to save her kingdom with the help of the enchanted dress. Readers won’t be able to put down this entrancing read, sure to be the first of many from this talented author.

Ladybugs for Loretta (Loretta’s Insects) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Heather Stanley

Ladybugs for LorettaLadybugs for Loretta by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was so interesting! I learned many new things about ladybugs. I really love children’s books that teach as well as entertain. I thought I knew about ladybugs. Turns out that there is always more to learn about anything. The words had me interested and the illustrations had me amazed. The illustrations were different than I have seen lately but so beautiful!! Will definitely be recommending, even gifting if possible.


Reviewed by @heather26

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