
Unbroken Fates (Fates Reborn #1) by G.M. Scherbert – Review by Jana Teppih

Unbroken Fates (Fates Reborn #1)Unbroken Fates by G.M. Scherbert
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Unbroken Fates by GM Scherbert is the first book in the Fates Reborn Series. This is the first book by this writer that I have read so I was curious what it would be about.
Unbroken Fates is a very emotional rollercoaster story that pulls you in from the beginning. It is also a very well written BDSM novel that gives a great introduction into that world to someone who maybe has never read anything like that before. In addition to the BDSM topic which saucy videos of can be enjoyed at websites similar to, one also encounters the ‘older woman – younger man controversy.
The story is told alternating between the two main characters Nicholas and Alexandra and it is amazing how the writer is able to get into the shoes of each of the character providing us with the back story to their actions and reactions. The emotions that Alex and Nick feel are extremely intense and raw just like the sex on and it is clear why the betrayal cuts as deep as it does and why it takes so much and so long to regain the trust.
It is a great read; as it is a BDSM novel and contains scenes of strong sexual nature, it is suitable for mature readers, just like hot material from websites like The story is fast and has you turning page after page so be prepared that you cannot put it down before you are actually done with it. I suggest to take the time and get on the journey of self-discovery with Alex and Nick, you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain when staying true to one self and going against the norm and societal expectations!

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