
Game of Fear -A Gripping Psychological Thriller with a Shocking Twist (Fearless Series) by Glede’ Browne Kabongo – Review by Cindy Mayberry

Game of FearGame of Fear by Glede Browne Kabongo
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Game of Fear: A gripping psychological
thriller with a shocking twist.
Fearless Series
Glede’ Browne Kabongo
This is a full length novel. A thriller written for YA, but don’t let that stop you. It is a great intense story for all.

As I won’t give away any spoilers, I can tell you that this is a must read! Abbi Cooper is at St. Matthew’s Academy headed towards a major league college. Her nightmare is about to happen and she has no clue who could be behind it all. She must play the game and find out who knows what.

Glede’ Browne Kabongo has a great imagination! Her story is gripping and will keep you turning the page, just to see what happens next. Her characters are typical teenagers. You know the ones you hang out with. This story gives you suspense as well as well as keeps you up all night to finish the book. Once you sit in this rollercoaster, hang on as its about to get real. I enjoyed this story and look forward to spreading the word. This is a new author for me! One I will continue to follow.


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