
Her Christmas Rescue by Grace J. Croy – Review by Colleen Noyes

Her Christmas Rescue (Christmas Wishes Book 1)Her Christmas Rescue by Grace J. Croy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is my first book by this author and I am so glad that I picked it up. I wanted to read some Christmas stories in December and the cover on this book let me just say OMG it is one of the prettiest covers I’ve ever seen. Imagine my delight when the story was every bit as good as the cover. I’m not usually an Insta love story kind of person, but this author did an absolutely amazing job of making everything so realistic. While, there was that instant connection I loved how the characters were written as mature adults throughout the story who while they had an attraction also realized That there were other things in play and that those things needed to be handled.

Jay is a single dad who is struggling in more ways than one with his daughter, and I loved the relationship that the two of them had. I enjoyed how this author portrayed the difficulty it can be for a man to be the single father of a 13-year-old girl, and that he may not understand how to communicate with her. I felt like they had such a special bond, and I often found myself with tears in my eyes, watching the struggles and how things unfold.

Livy felt like such a genuine, sweet, compassionate, caring person. She felt like that friend that you have in your life that tries to take care of everyone and everything, and makes an effort to take into account other peoples feelings and emotions.

This author did such a wonderful job of creating strong characters that I found myself feeling like I was in one of those “Hallmark” movies. I found such joy in Livy, finding herself in all of these clumsy, hysterical, silly situations. I felt that the author did a very good job of not over analyzing or overdoing any character in the entire story, including Jay’s family. The characters just felt real. Of all the Christmas books I read this year Her Christmas Rescue was hands-down, my favorite, well written, emotional, and 100% a feel good story that will leave you happy and satisfied.

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