
Song of Earth and Claws (Faelands Series) by Lena Abram – Review by Santana Hicks

Song of Earth and ClawsSong of Earth and Claws by Lena Abram
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lannahi once thought she was in love with a man, that is until she finds out that he was using her to take revenge on those who had wronged his father. Then he cursed her so that she could never tell anyone of his plans or escape him in the future. The Fae win kingdoms by challenging the current ruler. Lannahi decides the only way to escape her ex is by challenging the Queen of a winter kingdom mostly inhabited by landshapers. She wins but the former queen tells her that she will never be accepted. Lannahi fears that she was right. She can’t trust anyone within her new Kingdom. They are either loyal to the former queen or to the land.

Lannahi needs to watch her back no matter where she goes. Without allies she could easily lose her throne just as fast as she took it. Will she be able to retain her throne or die trying?

I enjoyed this book. The author took the time to let us get to know Lannahi as a person before she came into power. The author voiced Lannahi’s thought process to show where she was coming from with all of her decisions and to show that she is a strong, independent woman who doesn’t need a prince or king to make her name known. She will stop at nothing to live free.

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