
Killer Lawyer: A Gripping Thriller (Jake Wolfe Book 3) by Mark Nolan – Review by Amanda Swindle

Killer Lawyer (Jake Wolfe, #3)Killer Lawyer by Mark Nolan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Killer Lawyer is book three in the Jake Wolfe Thriller series. Jake and Cody have returned for more adventures and danger, reminiscent of the previous books. This time around, Jake is a lawyer who also works in a secret agency, trying to find a killer who murders at random. The story is more complex than the previous two books, but still plenty of action and danger. As Jake gets more involved, the killer turns his sites on the main character, and his loved ones. This book is told in multiple POV so you get insight into the antics of different characters, including Cody the dog. I think my favorite part of this series is the dynamic relationship Jake and Cody have, and how they work so well together.
Reviewed by @zoltrixes

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