
Cosplay Worthy by Quiana Glide – Review by Santana Hicks

Cosplay WorthyCosplay Worthy by Quiana Glide
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was so adorkable to read! (yes I know I spelt it wrong) The main character is so cute. Layla is nerdy, introverted and shy. When she gets a chance to meet her favorite comic book writer Vic, she is over the moon. At the comic con, dressed as her favorite character from Vic’s comic, she approaches Vic’s signing booth with a bundle of nerves. They commented on her cosplay and she was at a loss for words.

Later that evening at a party, she once again comes across Vic. They had a nice evening full of easy conversation. That was the end of that. Or so she thought.

After posting online the images from the comic con, Vic commented on some of them and sent her a friend request. Layla could not believe it. Time goes on and they continue talking online forming a relationship. I really like how the author got the characters to get to know each other before jumping in like a lot of other romance novels.

Everything seems to be against them, they live across the country from each other, there is an age gap, different race, he’s famous and she’s not. All of this causes Layla to second guess everything especially herself.

Throughout the book, Layla battles with low self esteem. I loved the way the author wrote Layla as a character. She was flawed which made her more real. I also resonated with a lot of Layla’s personality traits which made the book that much more interesting to me. Honestly, if the author wrote Layla based on themselves, I could see us being best friends in real life.

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