
Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Stars Like GasolineStars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Stars Like Gasoline had me riveted from the first few pages and it was impossible to put down. I love a good ghost story and this one had it all with haunted houses, paranormal happenings, ghosts, apparitions, mystery, suspense, drama, and danger. The storyline immediately intrigued me and captured my attention because it was full of ghostly apparitions and hauntings right at the start. Although the book immediately captured my attention because of the phantoms in the museum, that was not all there was to the story.

The story is centered around Celia, an art curator, and has an air of mystery and suspense when an art heist takes place. This book is superbly written with vivid scenes that pull you into the story alongside the characters. Each scene is described in so much detail that you are immersed in that time and place, seeing the same things as the MC, Celia. The apparitions appear before your very eyes. The artwork magically appears before you. It is all very surreal to experience and magical in its feel. You will surely feel the goosebumps start popping out on your arms and feel the tingling as the hairs on the back of your neck stand up when the ghostly apparitions come at you. The characters were well crafted, and the storyline was multi-faceted with interwoven elements of romance, poetic prose, family relationships, love, secrets, loss, and hidden agendas. I look forward to reading more from this new to me author.

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