
Mistletoe & Cocoa Kisses by Stacy Eaton – Review by Colleen Noyes

Mistletoe & Cocoa Kisses (Heart of the Family #1)Mistletoe & Cocoa Kisses by Stacy Eaton
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

“Good men are always complicated, but they are worth the effort. Trust me.”

This was my favorite line from the book, which was my first by this author. I chose it because we’re in the holiday season and I liked the title. It immediately starts out a little intense and we’re not sure what’s going to happen or which way it is leaning. Initially I was a little hesitant about the storyline because I’m not a huge Insta- love reader. I like the romance to build up and get more intense and realistic in the process. I found some of it to be implausible like Robin just immediately kind of settling in with a complete stranger and Chris taking a chance and letting a stranger come into his home, especially a home he shares with young children. Having said that, I’m glad that I stuck with the story, because by the end I felt the author had very much redeemed herself and some of the actions in the final chapters. I thought that this author had a very nice writing style, the story flowed smoothly without any gaps or issues. The characters are all realistic and lovable, even if their actions sometimes weren’t. My only suggestion would be for there to have been a little bit more build up, but overall I was pleased with the story as a whole and the outcome. I fully intend to buy the next book in the series.

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