
Murder in the Lightning Room by A.D. Brazeau – Review by Stephanie Driskill

Murder in the Lightning Room: A Historical MysteryMurder in the Lightning Room: A Historical Mystery by A.D. Brazeau
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I absolutely loved this book! Set in the year 1899 in Colorado Springs, Cora finds herself working for the famous Nikola Tesla in his secret lab after witnessing the dead body of his previous assistant. Against the wishes of her mother, Cora continues her detective work to help Tesla find his stolen papers and remain in Colorado Springs with the help of her friends and eventually her romantic interest. Murder, intrigue, and mystery all combine to make this a wonderful story with a very strong female lead set in the past which I find myself drawn to. The dinner party wraps up the loose ends and discover all the secrets that have awaited our discovery. The characters, who are strong and very colorful, are well written, and the suspense just continues all the way to the last page. I have read other books by this author, but I must say that this is my favorite so far. Easy to read and enjoyable, this book is the perfect summer read for an afternoon of intrigue and lounging around the pool! Definitely recommend as a Young Adult book especially for teenage girls to read about a strong woman and the trait of perseverance and hard work

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