
Mr Barsin’s Toy Emporium by Lois Wickstrom

Mr. Barsins' Toy EmporiumMr. Barsins’ Toy Emporium by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Mr. Barsin’s Toy Emporium was such a great book! I read it out loud to my girls before bed and they loved it. The imagination is wild and the storyline is incredibly captivating! The stories of 3 different children intertwine in amazing ways and combine to one overarching storyline. Would def recommend!

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To be a Fae Queen (Realm Chronicles Book 1) by Tricia Copeland – Review by Dahnielle Hibbert

To be a Fae Queen (Realm Chronicles #1)To be a Fae Queen by Tricia Copeland
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Enchanting! Stunning! Breath-taking! So many descriptive words to choose from, but these three stuck out the most. Author Tricia Copeland is very gifted and brings her stories to life, making you the reader feel like you are immersed in the story. Her characters are well thought out, fully developed and polished giving us an incredible understanding of each and every one.

In To Be A Fae Queen we are surrounded by mystery from almost the instant the story begins. Mystery surrounding the Fae King Oberon of Aubren, the queen herself and the crystals leave you wanting more. Titania although young in age (only 15) seems on the precipice of life. She wants to be taken seriously, but seems as if she is not really sure how she should go about it. All her attempts are thwarted by her father the King as he wants nothing more than to keep her safe. Titania fights for her right to the throne and takes us on an epic journey as she attempts to solve the magical mystical mysteries that are plaguing her kingdom.

I love the details Ms. Copeland added to this book. The simplest being the map, however while simple, the map really aides in your expedition throughout the tale! I love the unmitigated brilliance of Ms. Copeland’s artisanship.

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Journeys Through SpaceTime (Journeys Through Book 1) by James Talisman – Review by Dahnielle Hibbert

Journeys Through SpaceTimeJourneys Through SpaceTime by James Talisman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A must read! I am normally not a fan of sci-fi fantasy novels, but Journeys Through SpaceTime takes you into a multiverse that really brings you to a place of wanting every complex drop of knowledge you can wring from the story. The first little bit can be confusing (I actually read it twice) but is full of very important details that you need to really be cognizant of space time dimensions and the silky threads that bind it together. If you are reading the book and feel like giving up I urge you to keep reading. James Talisman really brings all these seemingly unrelated events to fruition. I thoroughly enjoyed the complexity of the inter dimensional threads that combined the characters.
He takes you to places in such detail that you can actually see, feel and smell what he is describing. I absolutely love the details in this book. To me there is nothing better than an author who can create a picture so clear in your mind you can swear you have been there and James does exactly that!
I also find the parallels between our world and the universes James creates particularly fascinating. Believe me this book is a hidden gem and I cannot wait for the next installment!

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