
The Final Bite by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Santana Hicks

The Final BiteThe Final Bite by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Every 10 years, the gods choose a being in purgatory to have a second chance, with stipulations of course. You have 3 days to find your mate. Quinnlan is the chosen one this time. He is dropped off in an abandoned motel in a small town with very little hopes to succeed his mission.

Quinnlan scopes out the town at night to find some potential mates when he spots a guy leaving town with wolf shifters trailing him. He decides to follow further to investigate and finds the guy beaten on the ground. He has a choice, continue his mission or save this random guy.

I absolutely love this author. Everything they write is so unique and different making it right up my alley. The author also has a lot of LGBTQ friendly stories, including this one which is an added bonus. This story was a little bit different from their others as they broke the 4th wall a few times which was amusing on its own. I give this book 5/5! Can’t wait for the next story!

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