
Ocean’s Three (Made In Heaven #2) by Elena Kincaid – Review by M Policicchio

Ocean's Three (Made In Heaven, #2)Ocean’s Three by Elena Kincaid
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This one was hard to read. I hate books that make my eyes sweat. It just isn’t fair. Minus that, another excellent book in the series.

Jocelyn met her best friends in the weirdest of ways, she dreamt of them. One night, she met Cameron and Reed in her dreams. They became fast friends, best friends. She wasn’t sure they were real. They couldn’t be, right? That wasn’t how you met people. But she had them for a while, then tragedy struck leaving Jocelyn broken, empty and alone. She refused to see them in her dreams. After 6 long years, she popped back in one night just to check in. They were there. Just like they had always been.

Cameron and Reed, cousins, had tried to move on but they couldn’t. When Jocelyn reappeared, it felt like they were whole again. And they had each other again. Until Jocelyn ran, again. When a chance encounter all found them on the same cruise ship, Jocelyn found out just how real Cameron and Reed were. Together, they found strength and love. Getting their families to accept their nontraditional relationship was going to be the next hurdle.

I totally get why Jocelyn pulled away the second time. I adore how this author handles telling the families and friends of the throuple. I am sure in one of these, someone will not accept them and that will be part of what the throuple has to overcome in the story to be together. These short, intense reads are a delightful palate cleanser for some of the darker stuff I read. This author is on my permanent TBR list. Another fantastic book!! Keep’em coming!!

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