
Ghost Talker (Madame Chalamet Ghost Mysteries Book 1) by Byrd Nash – Review by Santana Hicks

Ghost Talker (Madame Chalamet Ghost Mysteries #1)Ghost Talker by Byrd Nash
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Madame Chalamet is what is known as a Ghost Talker. When she is asked to speak to a dead body found in the river, she doesn’t hesitate especially since the Duke de Archambeau has taken an interest in this particular body.

Once at the morgue, Madame Chalamet calls upon the ghost and has time to ask it only three questions: who are you, describe the last hour of your life and who is the last person you saw?

Turns out Giles, the dead person, was an illicit relation to royalty. The Duke thinks that Madame has heard too much and takes her to stay at his home until some royal business is concluded. At the same time The Duke and Madame try to solve the mystery of the dead body and missing items.

There were some moments between the two that I got some minor will they/won’t they feelings. The main story of this particular novella concluded nicely but the author left room to continue in this world.

Personally, I had some difficulty following some of the lingo and titles which made it so I was not 100% immersed in the book like I would want to be.

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