
More Text Than Sex by Jim Shomos – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

More Text Than SexMore Text Than Sex by Jim Shomos
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Robbie is faced with the task of helping Annie and Cat run a public song writing contest. A challenge that he is up for as far as working with Annie because Robbie thinks they will become romantically involved. On the other hand, the thought of working with Cat terrifies him. Annie is on the verge of relaunching her singing career after taking time off to raise her son. She has been raising her eight-year-old son alone since her ex-lover/manager fled the country nine years ago. Suddenly her ex is back and wants joint custody of their son.

The author has done a wonderful job of portraying the hard work, dedication, and determination that goes into having a successful music career. It is like having a behind the scenes look at the music industry and experiencing the blood, sweat, and tears that goes into running a successful music business. The characters were a blend of personalities that somehow worked together and were relatable. Some moments were tense, some moments were emotional, and some moments left you singing along to the tune you could not help but sing inside your head. An enjoyable read.

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