
Murder at the Wedding (Modern Midwife Mysteries Book 1) by Christine Knapp – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Murder at the Wedding (Modern Midwife Mysteries Book 1)Murder at the Wedding by Christine Knapp
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Murder at the Wedding is Book One in the Modern Midwife Mysteries series. It is a cozy mystery with suspense, action, intrigue, drama, crime, and murder. The story centers around the character of Maeve who lives in the quaint little town of Langford located by the seaside in New England. Maeve works at the Creighton Memorial hospital as a midwife. When she is invited to a ritzy wedding at the Country Club for the daughter of the Chief Obstetrician at the hospital, she certainly is not expecting for him to suddenly drop dead during the reception. Maeve’s husband catered the event so now he is the prime suspect in the death of the man. Maeve enlists the help of her mother and sister to try to find the real killer and clear her husband’s name.

This book had an intriguing storyline and interesting cast of characters. Maeve was smart, witty, kind, caring, nurturing, and feisty. I loved that she was a midwife as this is something that I had not read before as an occupation for female MC’s. It was interesting to read the inner workings of being a midwife and what it entailed. Maeve was unable to have children of her own so bringing babies into the world for other women brought her immense joy. At times though, it could be difficult for her and emotionally exhausting. Maeve’s husband Will was sweet, kind, caring, understanding, and one heck of a good cook. He loved his work as a caterer and took great pride in the food he prepared for each event. Maeve and Will had a great marriage and were there for each other through even the most difficult times. I really enjoyed the witty banter between Maeve and the other characters and cracked up a few times at the clever things she would say. I highly recommend this book!

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