

Corporate ChristmasCorporate Christmas by Bernadette Marie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I first discovered this author 5 years ago when I read the first Walker series book. So when I saw this one I had to buy it and read it. The author did NOT disappoint, this story is absolutely captivating, Chloe is a strong and independent female who knows her worth. Jason is a good guy with a good heart and a strong sense of trying to do the right thing. I love Byron who I just wanted to call grandpa and hug on him. I wanted to wrap my hands around William and found myself quite often cussing him out. The other secondary characters added even more to the story and I’m hoping there will be secondary books that have Tyler, Gwendolyn and the rest of the crew. The authors writing style flows so incredibly smooth, she connects the characters, and the readers to the characters. There were hysterical moments that made me laugh out loud (just remember stapler), parts that made me scream, and even parts that brought tears to my eyes. This was the perfect book to bring in the New Year with and I enjoyed it tremendously. if you enjoy a good clean romance book that is driven by real romance, laughter, a happily ever after, and just a little office politics you should get your copy today! I promise this author will bring immense joy to you.

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Proper Ink (Jaded Lily Book 2) by Zeia Jameson – Review by Cassi Rogers

Proper Ink (Jaded Lily #2)Proper Ink by Zeia Jameson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I recently read the first book in this series, Proper Irish, and I fell in love with all of the characters. So much so that I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this novel. Luca, sweet sweet Luca, in the first book I really took a liking to him although he wasn’t mentioned too many times in there. My heart broke for him when I heard his story. I felt his pain and apprehension towards Kerry. However, I also felt their attraction and I was rooting for their relationship to catch on fire. This book was packed full of steamy scenes, feelings, and character development. It was written very well and from a male’s point of view, which I enjoyed. This book was a page turner and was a quick and easy read.

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A Person Could Disappear Here by Terri George – Review by Debi Kircher

A Person Could Disappear HereA Person Could Disappear Here by Terri George
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Person Could Disappear Here by Terri George

5 Stars

Ok so first I’m wondering why I haven’t read anything by this author up to this point. This was an amazing book, one that totally messed with my mind.

I cant even go into any of the storyline because Im afraid I will say too much and that absolutely would not be fair to anyone thinking about reading this story., and you really must read this story.

My jaw is still on the floor, this author totally floored me and I LOVED it, that is one of my favorite things about reading is when I have no idea what’s going to happen and then I have to go back and reread while asking myself…Whoa…hold on…what did I just read.

I loved the friendship feel in this story as well as the family bonds and the whole meeting someone on FB and how true so much of that is.

I’m simply speechless and can not wait to go find more books by this author, I literally could not put this book down and if this is any indication of the writing style of this author…Count me in! I also want to mention how much I love the cover of this book..Just beautiful.

Holy Moly what a book!

Loved It!

Review by @debikircher

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