
Dragon’s Pursuit: Red Slaves Novella by Tonya Cannariato – Review by Jenni Bishop

Dragon's Pursuit: A Red Slaves NovellaDragon’s Pursuit: A Red Slaves Novella by Tonya Cannariato
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dragon’s Pursuit a Red Slaves Novella by Tonya Cannariato​ takes us further in to the future where one’s learning and teachings brings danger closer than he knew. The safety of his type is still in peril and as the mystery and drama unfold we find that the life he hopes to bridge may never happen. What he does find is the one thing he is not looking for and how is ​he to trust when she is the enemy, nut could she be more than she seems. This paranormal story continues with the magic and mayhem and dragons and should not be missed.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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