
Keeping Secrets (Grimm Wolves MC Book 4) by D.M. Earl – Review by Sunday Barnaby

Keeping Secrets- Prospect (Grimm Wolves MC #4)Keeping Secrets- Prospect by D.M. Earl
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Keeping Secrets – Prospect: Grimm Wolves MC Series (Book 4) by D.M. Earl
Five Stars

This story features Lenny (Iron) and Joy and their daughter Everly, but it also features Chains, Winnie and Jackson. I’m so glad everyone gets to have their point of view. As an MC club they all have their brothers back. With every book I read in this series, I get more involved with the characters. The boys are big strong bikers, and the women smooth out their rough edges but still have the strength to hold them together through the rough patches. This series is in the top five of all the books I have read this year. I’m really looking forward to reading the next in the series.
Review by @sunbarn

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