
Rocketship Made of Stars (I am an Alien) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Rocketship Made of Stars: Naming Constellations (I am an Alien)Rocketship Made of Stars: Naming Constellations by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rocketship Made of Stars is a children’s book designed for kids between the ages of four to eight years old. The story centers around a young girl by the name of Shirl and her alien friend Eee-Ahh. When Shirl takes Eee-Ahh to school with her the teacher and her classmates quickly realize that Eee-Ahh is an alien. The teacher asks her where she came from so, she draws a map of the stars and gives the names of all the constellations. The constellations look the same except the names Eee-Ahh gives the constellations are different from what the teacher calls them. Shirl and her classmates receive a lesson in the names of the different constellations, what they look like, and what they are called. This book is great for any child to learn about the stars and what the constellations are called. It is fun, easy to read, and full of bright illustrations that bring the story to life. I highly recommend this book!

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