
Ten Thousand Shells and Counting: A Memoir (Teenage War Survival Book 1) by Nadija Mujagic – Review by Lucy Machard

Ten Thousand Shells and Counting: A Memoir (Book 1) (Teenage War Survival series)Ten Thousand Shells and Counting: A Memoir (Book 1) by Nadija Mujagic
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’ve read books about war. I’m a history buff, it’s my thing. But reading first hand accounts of what it was like to go through a war zone and deal with the aftermath of war always hits different.

This is an amazing book. The author is very detailed, and it’s like walking through a room of memories and watching as the author gingerly shows you pieces of her life. This is a book about resilience, strength, and overcoming some of the hardest things in life, and I highly reccomend!

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