
The Navigator: A Mountains Trilogy Novel by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Angela Hayes.

The Navigator: A Mountains Trilogy NovelThe Navigator: A Mountains Trilogy Novel by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


The Navigator is A Mountains Trilogy novel by Phoebe Alexander. I loved the Mountains Wanted Trilogy- that series of books are one of my favourites by Ms. Alexander, so when I saw she had written another book as part of that series, I knew that I just had to read it. But I wasn’t sure how this story would fit in to the series and if there would be any connections between them, and because it has been a few years since I had read Mountains Wanted- I decided that this would be a great time to revisit those books before diving into this one! So, here I am, 5 books later- and I have to say that I still love those books so much and I am really glad that I reread the other 4 books before starting this one. But, you really don’t have to have read the other books to really enjoy this one- you could just read it as a standalone without feeling like something is missing (although you would be missing out on some really great books).
This story touches and explores so many elements- each one on its own could be interesting- but combined into such a wonderful story- well, it’s like crack for a romance addict. The book is so much more than I thought it would be. The blurb is good, but it really doesn’t convey just how compelling the story is, or how heartfelt, meaningful and emotional this experience is. I mean, she had me at bearded man and Mountains Trilogy- but add in bisexual romance, Indian Heroine, interracial romance, older woman/younger man, and more- still doesn’t even begin to convey how much this story will imprint itself in your heart and mind. Not to mention the sizzle factor is off the charts!
The story flows well and has a great pace. I read it in one sitting. I can’t wait to see what Ms. Alexander does next!

Thank you, Ms. Alexander!

Reviewed by @angelahayes

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