
Give and Take (The Thorne Brothers #2) by Lee Kilraine – Review by Ashleigh Whitwell

Give and Take (The Thorne Brothers, #2)Give and Take by Lee Kilraine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Give and Take is a contemporary romance novel and the second instalment in The Thorne Brothers series. This story follows baby brother, Wyatt, and his involvement in the brother’s construction company. I love a series I can really sink my teeth into, and with a whole family of brother to get to know, this series has me super excited. Much like the first instalment (which I strongly recommend you read!), Give and Take is a beautifully romantic read that had me hooked from the very beginning. As we approach the end of the 2018, I can safely say that Wyatt and Rhia are in the running for one of my favourite couples of the year!

Wyatt Thorne is not your stereotypical romantic ‘hero’. He has very visible flaws, some of which most people would find incredibly annoying. He’s particular, meticulous and rigid to his routine. He’s obsessed with his work and quiet to the point of painfully so at times. So why did I feel such a draw to him? Wyatt had my attention almost immediately and I think I finally understand the appeal of the ‘strong and silent’ type. He is the perfect mix of driven, cute and a little frustrating and I just love him, perhaps even more than I loved his brother in Give it Up. But Wyatt isn’t the only love interest in this book. Rhia is his complete opposite and so perfect for him. She had me laughing out loud with some of her crazy antics, including her brief employment as a clown, and the relationship between her and Wyatt was so entertaining to read. I loved their back-and-forth banter and the sudden moments of passion and steaminess; they complimented each other beautifully. They are one of those couples that you just connect with and I have been left wanting to know more about them!

As with the first book, Give and Take explores some difficult issues. The Thorne brothers have been through a lot and their childhood is truly devastating. Seeing their shared past through Wyatt’s eyes was interesting, as he had been so young when everything happened to them. His brothers made it their job to protect him, and so we find Wyatt feeling a tremendous amount of guilt towards everything they have sacrificed for him. I love the strong family bond they have and it just has me more excited to find out more about each of the brothers.

Give and Take is a fantastic instalment in what is shaping up to be a fantastic series. The character development is exceptional and the plotlines are addictive. I have the next instalment on pre-order and am anxiously waiting its arrival. If you aren’t already convinced, I recommend you jump into this series immediately!

Review by @ashleighw

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