
Unabridged (Love Struck) by Melinda De Ross-Review by Amanda Kimble

Unabridged (Smart & Sassy in the City, #2)Unabridged by Melinda De Ross
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Unabridged (Lovestruck) by Melinda De Ross

This is a great read by the author. Unabridged is a fantastic read and I can’t wait for more. This is part of the Lovestruck Series and can be read as a standalone.

Angelina left behind the love of her life because she was ashamed of herself. Three years later she’s made a name for herself and is working a great job. She goes into the office to tell her boss about a new article only to run into her ex. Can they pick up where they left off? The quote I chose for Angelina is: “I told you why I did it. We had no future together. I almost had a heart attack when I walked into Howie’s office and saw him there. I don’t know how the hell I’ll manage to work for him. I never thought I would ever see him again. Why, oh why does s*** like this keep happening to me?”

Blade has made a good life for himself except he’s been missing one thing. His ex-girlfriend who just happens to be one of his new employees. He has an ex-wife who might cause problems.The quote I chose for Blade is: “No, Angelina, I assure you I’m not joking. I’m your new boss. If you spent more time at the office working, you would know that Howie retired last month and moved to San Francisco.”

Highly recommended for Romantic Comedy lovers.

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