
Widower’s Aura (St. Fleur #1) by A.J. Renee – Review by Jenni Bishop

Widower's Aura (St. Fleur #1)Widower’s Aura by A.J. Renee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sofia has gifts one that allows her to read other people’s aura’s which has helped her on more than one occasion. She left behind a job that was not healthy for her any longer and decided to start a new in a place called St Fleur. Sofia decides to open her own photography business which after two years is doing quite well. Sofia is a loving soul who draws people to her and she is one of the most loved people in her town. With her besties by her side she is content with her lot. Her Besties have her back and she has theirs. Together they are funny and my type of friends that will have you laughing out loud. One night she looks into the face of a stranger, one too hot to trot man she can’t take her eyes off of. Turns out to hot to trot is the one Lindsey one of her besties has been telling her about, the new hot neighbour.

Noah is hot and so oblivious to the affect he has on woman. He finds himself mesmerized by the beautiful woman he first laid eyes on not long after getting to his new hometown and is determined to stay away. But staying away is much harder than he thought when his daughter Lexi throws a spanner into the works.

I loved the alpha men in this story, so possessive and protective of what they perceive as theirs that had me laughing at them and the woman trying to put them in their place. This book was engaging and had me captivated from the start until the finish. It is a lighthearted love story that has a little mystery, suspense and some drama. I loved all the characters but I just loved Lindsey and Mark’s interaction, that always left me with a smile on my face. With the steam coming of Noah and Sofia it was sizzling, the chemistry was just off the charts. There are also times when you find yourself breaking for some of these characters that you want to wrap them in cotton wool. I am certainly hoping to enjoy the second book as much as I have this one. AJ has written a good book and you should certainly be adding it to your book list.

Reviewed by @jenna

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