
Exiled South by Harriet Cannon-Review by Amanda Kimble

Exiled SouthExiled South by Harriet Cannon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Exiled South by Harriet Cannon

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. Exiled South is a great book and I can’t wait for more. This story will leave you hanging on the edge of your seat.

Lizbeth is worried when her hisband doesnt answer his cell and he’s late. She thinks he’s been acting strange lately. When the bank calls things change and she’s not sure how much she can take. The quote I chose for Lizbeth is: “I just got off the phone with Dan’s parents. They want to come immediately to ‘help plan’ the funeral. Meaning, they want to take over. Control freaks!”

Highly recommended for Women’s Historical Fiction lovers.

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