
Caught in Midnight Shadows (The Caught Series Book 4) by Sharleen Scott – Review by Bethany Rollins

Caught in Midnight Shadows (Caught series, #4)Caught in Midnight Shadows by Sharleen Scott
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Caught in the Midnight Shadows is a great romantic suspense about Brant and Aubrey. Upon her mysterious death, Brant’s mom left him with her final words of “find him and make it right”. This sets Brant on his goal to find a mysterious drifter on the Oregon coast. Here is where he meets Aubrey and is immediately swept into her life. Aubrey has just lost her aunt and is set on leaving Oregon on a motorcycle ride not sure if she will ever return. These two are drawn to each other although they both know that this will be a temporary love affair. As they get closer, a stalker surfaces in Oregon that may be a part of the troubles from Brant’s Wyoming home.
This is a very fast read that pulls you in with the wonderful characters and well-crafted suspense. I was absorbed in the multiple layers that Sharleen Scott was able to weave into the plot. The family relationships in this book were also well portrayed and I really admire Ms. Scotts delivery in portraying this type of character. Highly recommend!

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LUKE (DEFAULT DISTRACTION #4) by A. S. Roberts – Review by Bethany Rollins

Luke (Default Distraction #4)Luke by A.S. Roberts
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I just completed Luke(Default Distraction Book 4) by A.S. Roberts and while I did enjoy the storyline and premise, I had some difficulty staying engaged with the main characters. I read this because of the nanny factor and I was slightly miffed that there was lack of Nikki’s actual job happening. She is hired by Luke to help care for his daughter, Brielle, but Brielle always seems to be going off with the other adults and Nikki is left with Luke to have their love affair. We do get glimpses of her actually caring for Brielle, but it was far and few in between. I guess I was just put off by this.
Nikki and Luke do seem made for each other, Luke being a rockstar who Nikki has been in love with since her teenage years. They have their meet-cute and the story follows their love story. I did enjoy the supporting characters, especially Nikki’s family. I did wish to get more information about her family but I was able to grasp that they were a tight knit group. I enjoyed the other band members in the story as well.
I did not read the other three books prior to this installment and not sure if I will go back to them or not. The main pull on this book to draw me in just didn’t live up to my expectations but I would recommend to others to read it, but maybe start with the first in the series and it will be more of an enticing read.

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Snowflakes & Stockings (A Wilton Hills Christmas Book 4) by Marianne Rice – Review by Bethany Rollins

Snowflakes & Stockings (A Wilton Hills Christmas, #4)Snowflakes & Stockings by Marianne Rice
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Snowflakes and Stockings is the first book I’ve read from Marianne Rice and I am thrilled that I experienced her writing. This was truly a book that felt like it wrapped me in a warm blanket, with a cup of coffee on a cold, winter day. I felt at peace reading this and devoured the book in just a couple hours. I loved the characters and the safety of family that it gave me. Not only were the two main characters, Sawyer and Liberty, the supporting characters were all loving as well.
Liberty is an investigative journalist, who’s main goal to win a much deserved promotion, is to hunt down the Secret Santa who has been delivering presents to well deserving children and families for the past several holiday seasons. Her leads take her to meet Sawyer, a Fortune 500 tech company co-owner. Through this meeting of two incredibly job driven people, they find time for each other and come to a new appreciation of finding those who make you want to become a better person.
I simply loved this story. Highly recommend to all who like a good, clean romance with a strong family dynamic.

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Tenacious (Billionaire Bodyguards Book 6) by Via Mari – Review by Bethany Rollins

Tenacious (Billionaire Bodyguards # 6)Tenacious by Via Mari
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

In one word, underwhelmed would be how I can describe my feelings on Via Mari’s book Tenacious, book 6 in Billionaire Bodyguards series. The main characters of Allie and Nick were just not interesting. I always appreciate character development but felt both were just lacking in this area. The overall storyline of human trafficking was decent but the storyline is only a portion of this book. I wanted to care more about the main characters involvement in the storyline but just failed to connect with them. I know this is part of a series and a number of readers will love this story. I for one struggled to continued on and was happy to finish this book and move onto a book that has more character interest.

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The Bastard Prince (It’s Raining Royals) by Alix Nichols – Review by Bethany Rollins

The Bastard Prince (It's Raining Royals, #2)The Bastard Prince by Alix Nichols
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Bastard Prince, the 2nd book in the It’s Raining Royals series by Alix Nichols was as entertaining as the first. I appreciate a good romance, but the author adds a sense of adventure by leading the main characters on a quest to find another key to save the kingdom of the secret county of Mount Evor.
In this book, we meet Arnaud and the women he was pointed out to meet and seek the key with, Sasha. Both characters have good backstories and personalities to match. Again, we are put into the fun of the hunt with the addition of added history of France. The author is definitely researching while writing to add to the overall affect the book has. It’s definitely a fun romance with a treasure hunt mixed with a history lesson. It’s a great series and I’m ready for the next book.

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Wrong for Him (The Love Lottery Series Book 3) by Christi Barth – Review by Bethany Rollins

Wrong for Him (Love Lottery, #3)Wrong for Him by Christi Barth
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I just finished Wrong for Him by Christi Barth, book 3 in the Love Lottery Series. I unfortunately did not read the prior books in this series so in the beginning chapters I was playing catch up with some of the characters so did read reviews and summaries of the prior two books to help me figure out certain people. I recommend starting at book 1, unlike what I did! I was into the story so I continued on and wasn’t too behind on the character developments.

I did enjoy this book but I wanted to yell at Amelia’s brother, Alex, way too often. He seems arrogant and over the top protective of his adult sister, who has fallen in love with Alex’s best friend, Teague. Everyone else around the pair could see the dynamic and complete compatibility of this couple but they were forced to keep their relationship a secret because they were both intimidated by what Alex would say and do. As an adult, I feel they are both entitled to their feelings without any say from other parties. But this was the only character I just did not enjoy, personality wise. The book was sweet and showed how friendships form into better family than your blood relatives. The main characters had good storylines that kept me interested in their development. Definitely would recommend!

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Love’s Refrain (The Stardust Duet, Book 1) by KG Fletcher – Review by Bethany Rollins

Love's Refrain (The Stardust Duet, #1)Love’s Refrain by K.G. Fletcher
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Love’s Refrain is the first book I’ve read by K.G. Fletcher and it was just a decent read for me. The story was nice but I got a bit bored with the descriptions of everything. Just too long winded for what I typically enjoy reading so I felt it could have been a more concise story. I was hoping to get absorbed into the story based on all the positive reviews, but I personally struggled to continue reading but I persevered to finished it. I just did not get all the feelings the other reviewers alluded to. With this mentioned, the overall story line was good, with an unconventional love story that goes from past to present.

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Runaway to the Outback (Welcome to Bunya Junction, Book 2) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Bethany Rollins

Runaway to the Outback (Welcome to Bunya Junction, #2)Runaway to the Outback by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I absolutely adore the Bunya Junction series by Nicole Flockton that focuses on the Carruthers siblings and finding their match. In this second in the series, Runaway to the Outback, we find out more about Jonas Carruthers, the local pub owner of Bunya Junction. One day, a woman, Pandora Sebastian, walks into his pub in a wedding dress. Speculation of being a runaway bride leads to the discovery that Pandora is a model and has run off her photoshoot. She escapes to the small town of Bunya Junction and discovers that the small town is in fact a wonderful place full of people who genuinely care for others. We follow the tale of Jonas and Pandora and discover to trust in others along the way.
I enjoy the people of Bunya Junction and how the are all there for one another. This is such a rare thing these days that I instantly want to meet these characters in the real world. I appreciate the secondary story lines mixed throughout the main one, such as Ray, the sweet and lovable storyteller of the pub and town. Although sometimes I wanted to yell at Jonas for being a sulking and stubborn man, he is a great character and takes criticism well from his siblings. I also appreciate the tease into the 3rd book about Scott and now I anxiously await its release.

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No Way Out (Mafia Elite, book 1) by Amy McKinley – Review by Bethany Rollins

No Way Out (Mafia Elite, #1)No Way Out by Amy McKinley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When I began No Way Out by Amy McKinley, the family tree in the beginning intimidated me with the number of characters in these mafia families. I was nervous I would not be able to keep up with character transitions. Thankfully, I only had to maintain a handful of them to follow this storyline. I did enjoy this story but it was not a favorite from this author, as I’ve read several of her books. The main characters were just both ok to me while I was more intrigued with Liliana’s best friends and Max’s cousins. Hopefully we get more details from these supporting characters in future installments of this series. This was a fast paced story that kept you involved to the end. I enjoyed this book and look forward to the next one of this series.

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Home to the Outback (Welcome to Bunya Junction Book 1) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Bethany Rollins

Home to the Outback (Welcome to Bunya Junction, #1)Home to the Outback by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Home to the Outback is the first in the Bunya Junction book series by Nicole Flockton. This was a sweet story of returning to your hometown and finding all that you actually needed in life was there for you. At first, Dr. Ryan Flanagan seems like he will be full of arrogance but the more we are given into his character, he becomes a very loving and caring individual. I like how he grew into who he became. Most often, plastic surgeons are portrayed as indulgent and snobbish, but this is not the case with Ryan. Sindy Carruthers is the nurse that steals Ryan’s heart and is overcoming her own demons that had her return to Bunya Junction 2 years prior to Ryan’s return and working alongside Ryan’s father figure in the local medical practice. I would absolutely recommend this read. It’s a very easy to get into and short enough that I found my afternoon swept away by the characters. I will be looking out for the next books in this series.

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The Boss Prince (It’s Raining Royals) by Alix Nichols – Review by Bethany Rollins

The Boss Prince (It's Raining Royals, #1)The Boss Prince by Alix Nichols
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you are looking for a romance with adventure, I would recommend The Boss Prince by Alix Nichols. I read this in just a couple of hours and it kept me engaged the entire time. Just fired from her ex’s business, Lucie is down on her luck until she is hired on the spot by a company secretly operated by a secret royal family and her main mission, that she is unaware of, is to find the first piece of a puzzle to save the royal kingdom. Her boss, unbeknownst to her, is Prince Max Delaroche. These two set out on a journey to find a key, but along the way they find and discover their love for each other. This is a fun book with bits of humor mixed along the way. I really enjoyed Lucie’s character. Looking forward to the upcoming books in this series for a quick read.

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Caine (Men of Syn Book 2) by Anise Storm – Review by Bethany Rollins

Caine (Men of Syn, #2)Caine by Anise Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Caine by Anise Storm is the 2nd book in the Men of Syn series. In this installment, we follow the story of Caine, who has run to Denver to escape false accusations of the murder of his father. Here is turns to his friend Hawke, who helps Caine by offering employment in Syn, the BDSM club. This is where Caine meets Emery Wilder, a socialite living off her fathers wealth who’s never worked a day in her life. Emery is taken by surprise when she is removed from her penthouse home due to her father’s criminal accusations that freeze his assets. Emery is left with only some clothing and her car, which breaks down late at night in the middle of no where. Caine comes in as her savior this night and they grow a relationship that is steamy and unique. I enjoyed this book better then the first one mainly because of the characters. Emery at first is a spoiled girl but she grows into the situation that she found herself in. She wasn’t down on herself the entire story and I appreciate a character with growth. Caine is a protector and his love for Emery shines through. Great series by Anise Storm.

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DATING THE INTERN by Natalina Reis – Review by Bethany Rollins

Dating the InternDating the Intern by Natalina Reis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I absolutely loved Dating the Intern by Natalina Reis. I read this rom-com in just a couple of hours. It was a story of a woman, Ivory Tower, who owns a dating service and due to a journalists insistence, finds herself in a predicament where she states she has a long term love but in fact does not. This leads to Li Qiang, her intern, stepping up to be her fake boyfriend to get past the live TV interview. The story of these two leads us into a love that was meant to be all while adding depth to the characters with the family dynamic that plays out.

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TAINTED by Marsha R. West – Review by Bethany Rollins

TaintedTainted by Marsha R West
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I completed Tainted by Marsha R West last night but had to sit on my response to the book. This book is about a women rebuilding her life after her now ex husband was arrested and sentenced for fraud detailing with the family restaurant businesses. It follows Liz Hartman on a journey of rediscovery to rebound from her ex-husbands morally corrupt ways. Unfortunately, Liz must cope with multiple attacks to overcome this man who refuses to let her go.
I did like the story as a whole. The New Mexico setting is someplace I would love to be, the characters were lovely and well defined and the romantic suspense part was good. I would definitely recommend to fellow fans of romance and intrigue. I had two minor issues with this book. In some places, it felt repetitious in describing the setting or scenario. It felt like there were several brief summaries throughout the story that felt unnecessary as a reader so I would skim these sections. My second issue was the dog. I typically love animals in stories, but for some reason, this animal and the way Liz treated the dog annoyed me. After the first half, the dog became less of the story line so I was able to finish it without my eye roll of treating a dog like a baby. I know, very weird but this is the only character that I was overall annoyed about and reading so much about. Again, the story as a whole is well with the read but I did need to include my honest opinion on why I could not fully give this a 5 star rating.

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Unbreakable (The Diamonds Book 1) by Tee Smith – Review by Bethany Rollins

Unbreakable (The Diamonds, #1)Unbreakable by Tee Smith
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Unbreakable(Book 1 The Diamonds) by Tee Smith is a divorced nurse who returns to Rosewood Bay to care for her dying mother. Here, she meets Ripper, a man with a past full of burdens that led to his tortured soul. This unlikely duo begins with sparks and leads into a romance and love that they both need to thrive. This story is full of emotions, heartbreak, love, and suspense. It shows how love can survive difficult realizations and circumstances.

I did enjoy this book and cannot wait for the 2nd installment as we are left on a bit of a cliffhanger. I really enjoyed Ripper’s character and how he has struggled with his past actions and how it translates to the person he has become now. I hope in the next installment we get more backstory into the secondary characters we’ve met because I would love to get more details on those like Don, Mia, Jay and Sebastian. I feel there is so much more to these characters than the scratch of the surface details we received and I cannot wait to dive into them more.

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HOLD ME FOREVER (HERON HARBOR Book 3) by LEA NOLAN – Review by Bethany Rollins

Hold Me ForeverHold Me Forever by Lea Nolan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hold Me Forever is the 3rd book in the Heron Harbor series by Lea Nolan. I did not read the prior two books so I wasn’t sure if I would be lost in the characters. I’m happy to report that Ms. Nolan does an excellent job of describing the scene and characters for those of us who read this as a standalone novel. Hold Me Forever centers on Lark, an artist who ran from her past to avoid hurting those she loves, and Hunter, the sheriff of Heron Harbor. Lark returns to Heron Harbor for her older sisters wedding and finds herself being saddled with her former, secret flame, Hunter, to finish the planning of her sisters wedding. We follow the pair as they handle the uncertainty of their love for one another and if we can see a happily ever after for them. This book has wonderful characters, great location, and gives you actual family drama that seems relatable. I greatly enjoyed this story of love, family and friendship.

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Repair (Rescue Me Book 1) by Trish Williford – Review by Bethany Rollins

Repair (Rescue Me #1; The Everyday Heroes World)Repair by Trish Williford
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I enjoyed the story Repair, Rescue Me Book 1 by Trish Williford. The chapters go between the point of view of Charlie and Tank, destined to be together but too many obstacles interfere with their happily ever after. We begin with an early encounter between the two and jump years ahead to where the repair to their strife needs to occur. This is a sweet story of love and finding out who you are meant to be with. He characters were all relatable and fun to get to know. I was able to read this in a matter of hours and always appreciate a quick read with characters that you come to love. The end leaves us with a tease of the 2nd installment that I am definitely going to read.

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Hawke (Men of Syn Duet) by Anise Storm – Review by Bethany Rollins

Hawke (Men of Syn, #1)Hawke by Anise Storm
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Hawke by Anise Storm is the first book in the Men of Syn series. I took a chance on a subject I’m not too familiar with but I’m glad I did. This story leads you into the BDSM lifestyle and how love can be found within. I really enjoyed the character of Hawke and uncovering how he became the dominant. He is a broken soul who feels he is undeserving of good and love in the world. Charlotte was only a decent character. I found her to be a bit too “bad things happen to me too” type of persona and just did not vibe with her rich girl ways. She was a bit needy in my opinion but maybe that is why she makes a good submissive. The story itself was fun to read but the suspense thrown into the mix came late into the storyline and didn’t really make a huge impact on the overall love story. Overall, very satisfied with this read.

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Journeys Through TimeSpace (Journeys Through Book 2) by James Talisman – Review by Bethany Rollins

Journeys Through TimeSpaceJourneys Through TimeSpace by James Talisman
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Journey Through TimeSpace by James Talisman is the 2nd book in the series. I read both back to back to assure I give my honest opinion on both. The author is very good at setting up the characters and the stories, it was difficult for me to become fully immersed in the book. This second installment was better than the first for me but still was a struggle on my end to be fully engaged. My personal feelings on spiruality and meditation really got in my way of being able to get fully immersed into the story. While this is a great book for many and the author is very well versed in his style, I just felt it was an ok read.

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Journeys Through SpaceTime (Journeys Through Book 1) by James Talisman – Review by Bethany Rollins

Journeys Through SpaceTimeJourneys Through SpaceTime by James Talisman
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Journey Through SpaceTime by James Talisman was a difficult read for me. I typically can jump right into a book but I found this very hard to keep my interest and was easily distracted while reading. Perhaps it was trying to get into each individual storyline and character grouping. I don’t typically delve into this type of story but I do enjoy multiverse type of subjects. With this, I was hoping for more crossover into the multiple worlds and dimensions that the author lays out for us. All the meditation was too much for me, but this is from a perspective where I personally don’t find value in this form of mental awareness. The author is very good at describing the multiple worlds and people but it became too descriptive and longwinded for me in some places. I was hopeful for more of the action I see from other reviews, but half way through, I felt it was lacking in what I consider action. I do feel this book is good for some readers, but just ok for me.

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The Third Nanny (Secrets of Redemption) by Michele PW (Pariza Wacek) – Review by Bethany Rollins

The Third NannyThe Third Nanny by Michele Pariza Wacek
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Third Nanny by Michele PW was a wonderful psychological thriller. We begin with Janey who receives an apology package from the post filled with a shredded letter. Upon puzzling the pieces of this letter together, she discovers it is a letter from her sister, Kelly, who ran away 8 years prior. Through internet sleuthing, she discovers her sister is now Ashley and was a nanny in Redemption, Wisconsin. That is, until she disappeared! Janey decides to continue her investigation to find her sister by becoming a nanny to the same family. She soon realizes that there are secrets within the household.
The story was good, with a mix of present and past to bring the twist of the ending into play. Some sections of the book were longwinded and I would have liked the ending to be explained a bit more, but overall the end was not what I expected and left the me reflecting on what I read throughout the story to see the hints to the twist.

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The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks – Review by Bethany Rollins

The Heart of Baker BayThe Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Heart of Baker’s Bay by Danielle Jacks follows the path of Jody and finding where she fits in the world. She has always known city life and has been in constant limbo of job security and lives rent free with her sister. Due to a promise made that only she is able to keep, Jody finds herself at her grandmother’s cafe in a small village of Clover Bay. Clover Bay is where Jody will begin to discover her true self and her passions in this world, to include a handsome, brooding man named Adam.
The Heart of Baker’s Bay is a sweet story to follow. It flips between Jody and Adam’s story very nicely and makes you want to see how their two worlds combine to one. The characters are all lovely, including Jody’s family members whom I disliked for a while in this story. The description of Clover Bay seems like a quaint village on the coast of England that I would love to visity, if it was a real place! It was a quick, easy read that keeps you hoping for a happy ending. Recommend for a rainy day or beach read.

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Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Bethany Rollins

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen was a quick read and entwined the different short stories very nicely. Each story was short but very lovely and encompassed the emotions the author desired to give, whether it was a happy or sad story. This is one to sit on your living room table for others to peruse while visiting. You are not enclined to get too engrossed because of the shortness of the book as it is easy to read in one sitting. Nice stories strung together beautifully for this collection.

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The Arsonist’s Handbook by L.A. Detwiler – Review by Bethany Rollins

The Arsonist's Handbook: A Gripping Psychological ThrillerThe Arsonist’s Handbook: A Gripping Psychological Thriller by L.A. Detwiler
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The Arsonists Handbook: A Gripping Psychological Thriller by L.A. Detwiler is the first book I’ve read by this author. It was an interesting tale, but I personally struggled with the writing style and the unlikable characters, as there was no one I actually wanted to get to know more. I was hoping for more dialogue but I understand how it was written based on the title of this book. It did have a good plot and storyline, with an ending I didn’t see coming, but it was an overall long read for me only because of the writing style and over detailed manor of the book. I know this will be a good read for many, but for me, it was difficult to hold my interest.

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Forged by Secrets (Deadly Isles Special Ops, book 3) by Amy McKinley – Review by Bethany Rollins

Forged by Secrets (Deadly Isles Special Ops, #3)Forged by Secrets by Amy McKinley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Forged By Secrets by Amy McKinley is the 3rd installment of the Deadly Isles Special Ops series. This story tells us the story of Tyler and Malina. I’ve read the two prior books in this series and I have enjoyed them all. I appreciate this book because it gave us more of a story within the SEAL team dynamic and how all the storylines are intertwined. Malina’s backstory is actually my favorite of the main female characters of this series. She brings more depth to the series by the past she has endured and it adds to the level of trust and faith she places in Tyler to help her when she is framed with treason. Also, the level of respect within the main male characters of this series, all brothers, is fantastic. All the main characters are likable and have been fun to get to know throughout all 3 books.

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House in the Woods by Jessica Aiken-Hall – Review by Bethany Rollins

House in the WoodsHouse in the Woods by Jessica Aiken-Hall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

House is the Woods by Jessica Aiken Hall is a suspense that will pull you in and have you guessing until the very end. Molly Jackson is a college student who is home taking care of her mother with dementia and lives a sheltered existence. Molly soon sees flyers for a women who disappeared 20 years prior who looks very much like herself. This sends Molly down the path to discover who is this women and why does she looks so much like her.
I could barely put this book down because I was so involved in the characters, the mystery and the house in the woods. I am so thankful to have picked up this book because the ending is a twist I did expect.

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Mornin The Super Bird : Mornin Finds a Way to Stop ExtinctionMornin The Super Bird : Mornin Finds a Way to Stop Extinction by Jules Heartly
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Today is our first day of summer break so pick up this story to read to my kids this morning. Let me state, this has started a conversation on how my own kids can help the planet and all it’s wonderful creatures survive and thrive. The story is adorable all while sending a message to children that there are steps everyone can take to better our planet. Whether it’s recycling, donating items to others or simply turning off a light, we can all takes steps to be kinder to our planet and it’s lifeforms. I am going to recommend this to my kids teachers as they teach on this subject and this book would be a great addition into the elementary age group on this topic.

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Red Coat by Isobella Dunn – Review by Bethany Rollins

Red CoatRed Coat by Isobella Dunn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Red Coat by Isobella Dunn is a story of finding yourself through the toughest of situations. Although I’m unfamiliar with the life of a foster child, especially teens living in this reality, I feel the author did justice to help the reader understand the issues these individuals face and how difficult it is to grow up essentially alone and untrusting in a world where you feel unwanted.
This story is about Sara, a former foster child turned social worker. Her background leads her to have a special understanding of other children in the system, which is where we meet Rachael, a teen in the system running away from her current foster parents due to abuse. To protect Rachael, Sara will do anything in her power to save her, even returning to a former small town where Sara had once ran from under her own foster care. Here, Sara runs into her former best friend, Colin, who has always held a flame for her and will do anything to protect and show his care.
The reader is taken on a journey of finding love, friendship, and most important family. This story will make you realize how important these connections are to those currently in foster care and those that survived the system about how difficult it is to trust that these connections are true and valued by all involved.
Wonderful story and highly recommended.

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Bound by Secrets (Deadly Isles Special Ops Series Book 2) by Amy McKinley – Review by Bethany Rollins

Bound by Secrets (Deadly Isles Special Ops, #2)Bound by Secrets by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I just read Bound by Secrets, the 2nd book of Amy McKinley’s Deadly Isles Special Ops series. It was a really great read, just like the first book. This storyline is based on Jaxon, a former Navy Seal, turned interim police officer, and Kayla, the daughter of the police chief and sisters of Jaxon’s best friend, who passed aways years prior. Kayla and Jaxon share a brief romance, but due to tragedy and life’s circumstances, a divide came between them and here we are 10 years later. Kayla is on the run from a dangerous man, out to claim his property, Kayla. She does what is best for her and the safety of her parents by staying with Jaxon, the man she still loves and knows will protect her. The close proximity of the two lead to secrets coming to light and a building of their attraction towards each other among the danger surrounding Kayla’s reappearance.
This story has a lot of excitement, suspense, romance and intrigue. It is a fast paced read and keeps me wanting to see where this series takes for the 3rd installment. The characters are all fantastic and it’s easy to form an attachment towards the storyline. Strongly recommend reading this series.

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Turning Wheels (Satan’s Devils MC #1) by Manda Mellett – Review by Bethany Rollins

Turning Wheels (Satan's Devils MC, #1)Turning Wheels by Manda Mellett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Turning Wheels is my first book from author Manda Mellet. I have also never read an MC book previously so was definitely into new territory with this book. It was an interesting story about a woman named Sophie who must leave her home in England to seek protection, after trying to help her best friend from an abusive relationship. Sophie arrives in Arizona to discover her protection come in the form of a motorcycle club, where she in turn meets the VP, Wraith. This book tells the story of Sophie and Wraith, all while Sophie tries to grasp her place into this foreign territory.

I did enjoy the premise of the story and reading those sections of the story. I did have to come to terms with what an MC actually is and how members live their life. It was very out of scope with the settings I typically read. I’m not huge into the more graphic sex scenes, so mainly skimmed those parts to get to the actual storyline. I will also say, I wanted a bit more closure with her best friends story, but see that her story is part of another series from this author so at least I can have more closure with that plot hole in this book. Although it wasn’t something I would usually read, I will recommend as a good read with an intriguing story of one’s survival in an unlikely place.

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