
Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 1) by N.L. Holmes – Review by Faith Jackson

Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries #1)Bird in a Snare by N.L. Holmes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love the ups, downs, twists and turns this book brings the reader on through Hani’s eyes as an Egyptian diplomat. Prepare to have your boots knocked off with the mystery and intrigue of this suspenseful read. This book involves the best that mysteries have to offer including everything you can imagine. No matter how high this unfolds for him, he’s prepared to take down whoever or whatever is in his way. My heart raced reading every line of this book and where it would take Hani to solve the mysteries that were laid out before him.
This book has everything you could want in one of its caliber: Twists, turns, tragedies, great descriptions of Egypt including Syria, easy to read, fun to read, entertaining, and full of action. Excellent read!

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Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 1) by N.L. Holmes – Review by Kerry Carr

Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries #1)Bird in a Snare by N.L. Holmes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is an amazing adventure set in Anciet Egyptian times. The author has described the places and people in such detail that you can imagine them as of they actually existed.

It is a great murder mystery. When a high profiled bandit is assassinated, Hani is sent to find out who is responsible.
With their kings declining health and rumours of his son’s reign not being as peaceful a time as they are currently living in could this murder be related to the future Kings plans or did the victim cause trouble with another member of another area of the land?

Its a great read which keeps you turning the pages. The story takes a little while to get into due to the characters and how they relate to each other but once you get that it grips you until the end.

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Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 1) by N.L. Holmes – Review by Jenni Bishop

Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries)Bird in a Snare by N.L. Holmes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 1) by N.L. Holmes is a historical cosy mystery set in ancient Egyptian times where NL takes us on a journey where there is a dark, deadly and sinister plot. She paints a vivid world and her writing invites you into the storyline. Having said that the story did start out a little slow and I also found myself wandering and skipping things to move it along at times and having to go back and reread somethings. NL’s passion for the subject matter is clear within her writing and this is not just a story it is also a lesson on 13th century Egypt.

3.5 stars


Reviewed by @jennadb

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Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 1) by N.L. Holmes – Review by Sheri Schrader

Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries)Bird in a Snare by N.L. Holmes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Bird in a Snare by N.L. Holmes is the first book in The Lord Hani Mysteries series. During the days of Amenhotep III and IV in Egypt, Lord Hani is out to solve a crime. The crime seems simple, but Lord Hani has to go around new reforms, intrigue, and mystery. Will he find the murderer and solve the crime? This is a really interesting story set in a complex period of Egyptian history. There is a lot of attention to detail and the detail helped me dive into the story. I enjoy historical fiction and a good mystery and this combines both. Lord Hani is a great character and I look forward to more mysteries with him. He has many hats and roles to play and always pulls it off. He could go head to head with some of literatures other great detectives. I look forward to reading more in this series and from this author in the future.

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Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 1) by N.L. Holmes – Review by Kerry Baker

Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries)Bird in a Snare by N.L. Holmes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Bird in a Snare by N.L. Holmes is the first book in the Lord Hani Mystery series. This is a well written and detailed book that takes you on a journey with the character.
This is the first book that I have read by this author and I was impressed by how detailed and vivid this story was. It really felt like I was there with the character, experiencing everything he did. I can picture it all so clearly and for me that definitely enhanced the reading experience.
I loved the authors writing style as well. It really lent to weaving the mystery and building up the story line. Hani was an interesting character, his relationship with his family and with Maya were fascinating to read about.
I very kind enjoyed this story and will certainly be looking into more work by this author.

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Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 1) by N.L. Holmes – Review by Erica Fish

Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 1)Bird in a Snare by N.L. Holmes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I did not know what to expect with the title of Bird in a Snare but let me tell you this, I was not disappointed. Ancient Egypt is such a fascinating time and when N. L. Homes incorporated into his story it was an amazing story. The story paints a beautiful picture of Ancient Egypt and I gained more knowledge of a beautiful setting. The plot of the story is a fast-paced thriller. It is the story where you cannot trust anyone. Hani is called in to investigate the murder of the Syrian bandit. During his investigation, he learns that he cannot trust anyone (not even the person who sent him to investigate it). There are twists and turns, ups and downs, and surprises around every corner. Will Hani be able to figure out what is going on? Or more importantly whom he can trust and who not to trust?

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Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 1) by N.L. Holmes – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries)Bird in a Snare by N.L. Holmes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is my first book by this author. This is a murder-mystery story that I enjoyed to the end. It is a well written story that has characters that make the story easy to read. This is an interesting story that you never know who can be trusted. Hani is sent to investigate a murder but what he finds is so much more. As things get complicated for him will the superiors accuse the wrong person? This story did start a little slow but after a couple of chapters things picked up and it became fast paced. I highly recommend reading this book to find out what happens next and if the murderer gets caught.

Review by @bjwagner
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Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 1) by N.L. Holmes – Review by Laura Furuta

Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 1)Bird in a Snare by N.L. Holmes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 1)
By N.L. Holmes
5 out of 5 stars

I loved reading the book Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 1) by N.L. Holmes. It is a story that pulled me in from the beginning and didn’t let me go until the final page. It is a book that has mystery, murder, danger, and intrigue. The story is written in such a way that the storyline and the characters come alive with each chapter that you read. I loved reading about the main character of Hani, who is an Egyptian diplomat. Hani is a man that is trusted by many. He loves his family and also has a love of birds. I couldn’t help but root for Hani to have success in all that he does. Duties that include the investigation of a murder. This story had me turning pages wondering what was going to happen next. There are twists and turns that I didn’t see coming. I also enjoyed that the story is told with such detail and I felt like I was right there with the characters. Don’t miss out on this exciting and entertaining story. I highly recommend reading it.

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Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 1) by N.L. Holmes

 ~  ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 1) by N.L. Holmes


When Hani, an Egyptian diplomat under Akhenaten, is sent to investigate the murder of a useful bandit leader in Syria, he encounters corruption, tangled relationships, and yet more murder. His investigation is complicated by the new king’s religious reforms, which have struck Hani’s own family, priests of Amen-Ra, to the core. His own son has even been lured into the new religion. Despite his familial trials, Hani’s mission is to amass enough evidence for his superiors to prosecute the wrongdoers despite the king’s protection—but not just every superior can be trusted. And maybe not even the king!


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N.L. Holmes is the pen name of a professional archaeologist who received her doctorate from Bryn Mawr College. She has excavated in Greece and in Israel, and taught ancient history and humanities at the university level for many years. She has always had a passion for books, and in childhood, she and her cousin (also a writer today) used to write stories for fun. 

Today, since their son is grown, she lives with her husband, three cats and a dog. They split their time between Florida and northern France, where she gardens, weaves, plays the violin, dances, and occasionally drives a jog-cart. And reads, of course.