
The Calamities of Camden Callahan (A Revenant Novel) by Brittany Tucker – Review by Santana Hicks

The Calamities of Camden Callahan (A Revenant Novel)The Calamities of Camden Callahan by Brittany Tucker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Camden’s mother died when he was young but before she succumbed to death, she made a pirate by the name of Resh promise her that he would keep Cam safe and away from his father who wanted him dead. Thus began the pirates life for Cam.

Years later, Cam accepts a dangerous job that ends up with the ship being burned along with most of his crew and with his captain Resh and his best friend Nathan being kidnapped. Cam went down with the ship. He comes back as a fire branded revenant. Camden is tasked by the same man who sent him on the first job to head to an island to get information on Lord Duskin and potentially find Resh and Nathan in the process. Plus revenge on the revenant that murdered him and his crew. After years of running away from his past, he once again takes on his original surname of Camden Callahan.

Annie, Lord Duskins adopted daughter, hates her job. She is tasked with researching patients with the rot and how the drug ‘pearl dust’ affects the people. She hates her life and her adopted family but obedience is better for survival. On top of that, she sees the ghosts of patients she has had a helping hand in sacrificing for research. When Annie meets Camden, she is quick to not trust him but when he offers her an out of this life, she accepts his partnership. The ghosts seem to become more corporeal as time goes on. Sometimes even helping her out. Is there something more to Annie than just being a mere mortal?

Camden is in over his head, there is much happening on this island and it’s hard to tell who is on which side. Who can he trust? Will his father catch wind of Cam resurfacing after all these years? Will they make it off the island?

This book was chalk full of adventure and had elements of magic, murder, ghosts,and pirates. It also delved into some darker themes like sacrifice, sexual assault, and suicidal thoughts. This book is not for the faint of heart. The characters have a lot of depth but are very relatable. I found myself connecting with Annie. She seems quiet and dark but she has a sweet side and wants to help those around her. Camden appears arrogant and full of himself but is actually full of self doubt and regret. I enjoyed getting to know these two.

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