Helpful Hudson by Dannielle Pickford – Review by Julie Johnson

Helpful HudsonHelpful Hudson by Dannielle Pickford
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book focuses on the importance of self-care. Hudson is very helpful to everyone, doing things as he’s asked. However, one day Hudson wakes up very grumpy and doesn’t want to help anyone. It’s then that his family helps him and rejuvenates his helpful spirit.

This book is a very important one and should be shared with children and adults of all ages!! I have been a caregiver from the tender age of 4 and I felt how Hudson felt many times. If you know a caregiver, the best thing you can do is to offer to sit with their loved one, even if it’s just for a hour, so that the caregiver can have some alone time. It’s vital to our survival!!

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