House of Blood and Whispers by Natalina Reis – Review by Anna Deer

House of Blood and WhispersHouse of Blood and Whispers by Natalina Reis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sung-jin’s father, the horrible cruel King of The Sothern Kingdom has kidnapped his last woman.
After Sung-jin gets word of his father yet again kidnapping a women he takes action and steals her from his grasps. As he is trying to protect her he comes up with a plan to marry her in order to her her out of his grasp. What he didn’t account for was Cahki’s fiery spirt. Cahki takes no bullcrap and hatches her own plan to escape and murder Sung-jin.
As they start to fall for each other, the plan Cahki devised falls short. Sung-jin’s father finds out his son betrayal, he punishes both of them forcing Cahki to be one his handmaids. But that gives her the chance to infiltrates his palace and learn of his plans for her Kingdom.
I really enjoyed this book. I definitely plan on reading more of Natalina Reis. House of blood and whispers is the first I’ve read of Reis, but I fell in love with her world building and characters.

Reviewed by @Melancholyrose

View all my reviews

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