
Breathe Underwater by Anise Storm & Taylor L. Ray – Review by Shea Gilkerson

Breathe UnderwaterBreathe Underwater by Anise Storm
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Action, romance, danger, second chances, chemistry, heat, lots and lots of info to take in – I do feel like several aspects of the story were rushed to stay on the main story of the “go away, no come back” aspect of this book. There are certain points where you just feel embarrassed for Evelyn not taking no for an answer, or plain angry at Damian for being so dang mean to her to try to push her away and keep her safe. It is troublesome when the relationship ended and no one talked about what really happened or that Damian is looking at some form of relationship with Evie and can’t even tell her about his real life or potential dangers.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the main basis of the story and the passion involved between Damian and Evie – that staircase scene, though! Hot hot hot. I enjoy second chance romances where you see the characters evolve but know they missed something – coming back together as adults with life experience, memories, passion…I love it. There were some really great background characters I’d love to see more of in future novels, if that happens. I enjoy Anise Storm books and her writing, the other author is new for me and I am not 100% on which is which. I do feel making this book more than 1 in a series with some extra fleshing out of background plots or characters taking more of the focus, but I enjoyed the book and will read another if they continue with it.

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