
Jester by Brielle D. Porter – Review by Santana Hicks

JesterJester by Brielle D. Porter
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lisette spent most of her life learning parlour tricks in a world ravaged in magic. She was set to inherit her father’s magic but he ends up being executed for killing the king, and ends up taking the magic with him to the grave. She has one goal and will do anything to get it. Become the next Jester to the clean and join the higher ups she was meant to be a part of.

Unfortunately she has a rival competing for the same title, Luc, who has real magic. After Luc ruined one of her shows, she got revenge which resulted in a game of tag. They also have a very strong will they/won’t they vibe throughout the book

Eventually some evidence surfaces and it makes the Queen a suspect in the King’s murder. Lisette has a choice to make. What is more important to her? The goal she set for herself as a child, to be rich and famous or to clear her father’s name.

I really enjoyed this book. Lisette is stubborn, determined, strong and witty. I very much enjoyed getting to know her as a character. Luc, not so much. He was a pompous arse and I hated him from day one. He thought he was all that and a bag of chips, using his charm and looks to his advantage. Although after a while he becomes more human making him more likeable as time goes on.

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