
Murky Murder (A Maid Ivy Cozy Mystery Book) by Hazel Smith – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Murky Murder (A Maid Ivy Cozy Mystery, #4)Murky Murder by Hazel Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Murky Murder is Book Number Four in the A Maid Ivy Cozy Mystery Series. It is a cozy mystery with suspense, mystery, intrigue, drama, and romance. The story centers around the character of Ivy who works at a posh hotel in London as a maid. Things are going well for her, and she has been promoted to Head Maid complete with a new office. Ivy has also been asked out by her boss Mr. Humphrey whom she has admired for awhile. On their first date chaos breaks out over dinner as a hooded stranger suddenly appears in the restaurant wielding a knife. Thankfully, his efforts to cause them harm were thwarted by the quick actions of restaurant staff. Soon after, Ivy starts receiving suspicious and menacing anonymous notes and someone dies in the hotel under mysterious circumstances. Ivy must find who is responsible for both the notes as well as the murder and even those closest to her become a suspect. A tension filled story with quirky, lovable characters that leaves you wondering whodunnit. This book takes a few twists and turns before the culprit is revealed.

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