
Fade into the Night (Philly Heat Series) by Becky Flade – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Fade Into the Night (Philly Heat series, #5)Fade Into the Night by Becky Flade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Fade Into the Night is Book Five in the Philly Night series and could be read as a standalone, however I do recommend reading previous books in the series. Not only are there some overlapping characters, but the rest of the series is amazing. The story centers around the characters of Noah and Sadie and is told from each of their POV which enables us to experience their respective thoughts and feelings. Noah is an FBI Special Agent who has come to Philadelphia in pursuit of the Beltway Romeo where he unexpectedly runs into Sadie, a Forensic Facial Reconstructionist, at a local coffee shop. The two had a brief fling years ago after the sentencing of Sadie’s mother’s murderer and never expected to see one another again. Since their brief fling each has thought of the other constantly so seeing each other rekindles old feelings and reignites the passion between them. When Sadie is attacked by the Beltway Romeo Noah is determined to protect her at all costs and bring the killer to justice. Danger lurks at every corner for them both as the Beltway Romeo is determined to finish what he started. The author does a great job of weaving a story full of drama, suspense, mystery, intrigue, action, and danger. The suspense is palpable and hooks you from the first few pages leaving you on the edge of your seat as you wonder when and where the psychotic killer will strike next. The characters are complex, well written and relatable. It is easy to become invested in their lives and their story. I highly recommend this book!

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