
Journeys Through SpaceTime (Journeys Through Book 1) by James Talisman – Review by Amelia Stansell

Journeys Through SpaceTimeJourneys Through SpaceTime by James Talisman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is amazing! It had me hooked from the start, I couldn’t put the book down. It was very well written. You get lost in the world and the people in it. It takes people from all parts of life and has them connected by one thing. I loved that each character is different, but they are all fighters in the different worlds that they live on. For this book to be this author’s first, it is outstanding!

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Journeys Through Spacetime (Journeys Through Book 1) by James Talisman – Review by Anna Hirsch

Journeys Through SpaceTimeJourneys Through SpaceTime by James Talisman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Journeys Through Spacetime (Journeys Through Book 1)
By James Talisman
4 Stars

Journeys Through Spacetime is unlike any book you have ever read. It is classified as science fiction/fantasy but it also has spirituality woven throughout. It really is an original story. It takes place on different planets and separate times. Many reminding me of different eras on Earth; Egyptians, Japanese warriors and ninjas, gladiators and present day. There are many characters and multiple points of view which are constantly changing. This I found made it difficult to follow the story. Just as I was getting into it, we changed places and characters. Parts of the book felt like I was watching an episode of Star Trek. Readers who are interested in sci-fi will love this book. Personally I’m not a fan but I decided to step outside the box a little and try something different. I do believe in mind over matter so the book intrigued me.

The author gave most of his characters a very formal speech which felt unnatural to me. It turned me off and annoyed me because no one speaks like that. I’m willing to forgive this because the story takes place in different time eras and planets so it is a possibility. Personally I felt that there were too many storylines and there were only a couple that I was interested in. Cassius and Hirosho drew me in the most. Hirosho and the shadow demon could have been a book unto itself.

Honestly I wasn’t sure how to rate this boom. It’s not a three but not quite a four. I finally decided to give it a four stars. I felt that being a debut novel for this author, it was good. The concept was original and well thought out. I wasn’t going to let my personal preferences and tastes affect the rating.

Review by @Anna Hirsch
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Journeys through SpaceTime (Journey Through Book 1) by James Talisman – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

journeys-through-spacetime” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”>Journeys Through SpaceTimeJourneys Through SpaceTime by James Talisman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Journeys Through Space Time intrigued me from the very beginning, and I found it difficult to put this book down. That came as a huge surprise to me because I am not a fan of anything Sci Fi and try to avoid it as best as I can. However, I quickly became wrapped up in the lives of the characters and was fascinated by the concept of multiple worlds. The multiple characters, storylines and points of view were beautifully written, and the story was immensely entertaining.

Even more intriguing to me was that the voice of a mysterious being could be heard in the minds of inhabitants across both time and space. This powerful and wise voice spoke to each inhabitant and gave each one of them advice or words of warning. The only thing linking the inhabitants of all these different worlds was the mysterious voice that each one of them heard. Those that heard the mysterious voice must now combine forces and use their knowledge and newly acquired skills to fight the forces of evil. The fate of the Multiverse is up to them.

I found it truly fascinating to explore the concept of multiple worlds and the vast Multiverse of space and time. The concept of multiple planets each with their own inhabitants had me really thinking about the possibility of life on other planets. The thought of a wise and powerful being that could get into our minds and control our thoughts intrigued me. This book gave me plenty to think about with the concept of multiple realities taking place simultaneously on multiple planets. This book is one that I will read again.

View all my reviews @ Tara Johnson