
Noah’s Not So Super Summer (A Super Series–Book 1) by Brittany Tucker – Review by Julie Johnson

Noah's Not So Super SummerNoah’s Not So Super Summer by Brittany Tucker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book starts off with a bang that will grab the reader’s attention pretty quickly. Especially if said reader is a teenager. Even more so if said teenager is a male!

Noah is tired of all the bullying he’s been subjected to. He’s also tired of his dad nagging him and having to babysit. Then there’s the mutant infestation and the Supers. Can life get anymore complicated while yet interesting?

Noah’s summer is full of adventure and friendships of a very unique kind. Hopefully his whole summer won’t stink!

I loved this book and read it in a matter of a couple of hours. This will appeal to younger readers as well as those of us still young at heart! There is humor and adventure throughout!

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Right in Front of You (Morris Valley Gang Book 1) by Brooke May – Review by Julie Johnson

Right in Front of You: Volume One Brinley and AdrianRight in Front of You: Volume One Brinley and Adrian by Brooke May
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Brinley and her friends make a blood promise pact as kids that they would always keep in touch and always be friends. Brinley’s parents move her to Texas for her mom’s work and this pact was made minutes before she left the only home she ever knew.

Fast forward a few years and Brinley has completed her military service and is an Olympic athlete. She’s just coming off tour when she has a stalker that just won’t leave her alone. Brinley decides to go back to her hometown and catch up with her friends. Not much had changed in her hometown except the addition of Adrian.

Adrian is a tall drink of water and is also super quiet and reserved. He’s a rancher who prefers to stay to himself but when he sees Brinley and she’s hanging out with his friends, he has to get to know her. He never predicts just how much they need each other, but especially Brinley when her stalker hunts her down.

I loved the mystery of this book! It made for a pleasant story with a good plot line. This is the first book in a new series by this author. I look forward to seeing where this series goes!

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Pulling Together by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Julie Johnson

Pulling TogetherPulling Together by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Grandma is knitting a poncho for Lila but it’s no ordinary poncho. This one has three heads! Lila is confused but Grandma keeps saying, “We all pull together!” Lila goes out to see her friends. They aren’t as kind as they should be about her poncho but when the things get tough, the poncho will pull everyone together.

I love how this story features a grandmother knitting her grandchild something! I am a crafter and I can appreciate this sentiment so much! Many times things are gifted that aren’t immediately appreciated but then something happens and the thing that the receiver thinks they didn’t want becomes a treasure. I love the relationship that Lila has with her grandmother too! There’s nothing like a grandmother!

This is a great book to read with your favorite youngsters about friendship and bullying. It’s also a great lesson in respecting those around you, including elders. I highly recommend this one!

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Other People’s Money (The Madeline Dawkins Series Book 7) by Cynthia Hamilton – Review by Julie Johnson

Other People's Money (The Madeline Dawkins Series Book 7)Other People’s Money by Cynthia Hamilton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Mike and Madeline Dawkins are faced with a new case to solve. As they begin to investigate the case of the missing bookkeeper who’s also embezzled money, other cases start to land in their laps too. Jane is concerned for the business she and her husband run when their bookkeeper and tenant has disappeared over the weekend. She was last seen with a man driving a black Range Rover.

George and Daphne are ready to go get hitched but George’s son has an inkling that Daphne may not be on the up and up. She is, after all, thirty years younger than George. Mike and Madeline are hired, along with their team, to investigate who Daphne really is and try to prevent this union from taking place.

Stacey has insider information when her company is about to go public and she begins shorting her shares of the company. Then she disappears. It seems she may have more than one love interest so could one of them be the culprit?

With all these cases going on at once, Mike approaches Madeline to see if they might want to employ more help in their PI business. As if Madeline needed anyone stress in her life…or could this be a help to them?

This is book 7 in a series that is new to me. I have not read the previous six books but I thoroughly enjoyed this one enough that I will be seeking out the previous books. I felt like this was able to be read as a standalone even though this is part of a series. I enjoyed the writing style of Cynthia Hamilton and how she weaved together multiple cases and tied them all up in the end with a bit of a twist. Several times I thought I had figured out the case but I was wrong!

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Fallen Soul (War of Destiny Book 4) by Theresa Van Spankeren – Review by Julie Johnson

Fallen Soul (War of Destiny # 4)Fallen Soul by Theresa Van Spankeren
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lane has pretty much been a loner since he was turned. He’s been on the run for quite some time after ticking off the Vampire King Valentino. There are orders by the king to kill Lane on sight and many vampires believe him to be insane.

Lane is currently in Rome but is longing to go home to Ireland. However, many factors are preventing him from making the trip. One of those factors is a female vampire who does not shy away from him upon their first meeting. She and her group are unlike any other vampires that Lane has seen. This group pretty much violates every law that Valentino has set up. What a group of rebels!

Will Lane always be alone or has he found allies in Julia’s group?

This is book four of a series and this one could technically be read as a stand alone. However, this series is one that every book should be read!! Lane is a character that doesn’t come into play really until this book but other characters and their backgrounds are developed in previous books.

Some content may be too intense for younger readers so please bear this in mind when gifting or recommending for a younger reader.

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Destiny of Light (Quirk of Destiny Book 3) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Julie Johnson

Destiny of Light (Quirk of Destiny, #3)Destiny of Light by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a way to wrap up this series!! Catherine Greenall created a masterpiece in this trilogy and this last book just tied up all the ends so neatly…or did it??!?!

I do highly recommend reading these books in order. Each book builds on the previous and you’ll lose a lot of background if these are read out of order.

This book focuses on genetically modified foods, nuclear bombs, dinosaurs of various kinds, Genies, crazy politicians, and so much more!! Callum and his crew are on the hunt for others like them who are against all these GMOs and misuse of environmental resources. When political foes try to squash them, Callum and his crew have to make some life-altering decisions. Haven’t they already endured enough?

It’s hard for me to write an adequate review without accidentally throwing in spoilers so I’m just going to leave this at…..YOU NEED TO READ THIS SERIES!!!

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Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions (Notebook Mysteries Book 5) by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Julie Johnson

Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions (Notebook Mysteries book #5)Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I knew this book was going to be a great one when it starts out….

“WHAM! Something hit Emma on he back of the head, and she pivoted toward the assailant. The old woman stopped her by jumping on her back, pulling her hair, and stabbing at her neck frantically with knitting needles.”

I do know how to knit but I prefer to crochet. This opening paragraph had me from the start and I just had to know what was up with this lady! It really wasn’t too significant in the overall story but still….I loved it!

Emma is at it again with her team of sleuthing family members and friends. This time, there are several children who’ve been kidnapped and it’s up to Emma and company to try to return them to their rightful homes. As they are working this case, other smaller cases come up that they are trying to quell. Many of those smaller cases have ties to the much larger case at hand.

The overall themes this book features are topics such as human trafficking, bigamy, and women empowerment.

This book could be read as a standalone but the reader would miss out on some of the dynamics of the characters. I have really enjoyed this series and this has been my favorite so far. I am looking forward to the next book that should be released later on this year.

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The Romanov Heiress by Jennifer Laam – Review by Julie Johnson

The Romanov HeiressThe Romanov Heiress by Jennifer Laam
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If you’ve read my any of my reviews, you know that historical fiction is my absolute most favorite genre to read. This book did not disappoint at all!

Jennifer Laam is a new-to-me author and I thoroughly enjoyed how she weaved together this story of the Grand Duchesses of the Romanov family. Their harrowing escape by a generous benefactor is the beginning of this story and will lead you until these ladies can finally breath somewhat again. This is a time period that I’m not as familiar with but I feel that the story was captured fairly accurately in terms of the history. I can’t imagine having to live as Olga and her sisters had to in order to survive. Their story is beautifully tragic and I look forward to reading the next book in their adventures together.

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Falling for You (Buckeye Falls Book 2) by Libby Kay – Review by Julie Johnson

Falling for You (Buckeye Falls, #2)Falling for You by Libby Kay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.5 stars!!

CeCe LaRue is familiar with the heat of a kitchen but she’s not about to be burned by another man in her life. She’s quite content working at Max’s Diner in Buckeye Falls. When an opportunity comes up to enter a cooking contest, CeCe is hesitant but interested.

Evan Lawson is that friend that everyone wants to have. Always a smile or hug to share, Evan is a remarkable guy. Is he perfect? No…show me a perfect guy please and I might change my mind. Evan is finding an attraction to CeCe though as they work side by side at the diner everyday. He’s actually been crushing on CeCe for quite some time and when the cooking competition comes up he’s hoping it’s a chance to get even closer to her.

A past flame in CeCe’s life could scorch any hopes of this relationship ever going anywhere if things don’t change fast!

I loved this second book in this series. I did read the first one as well and equally loved it. This can be read as a stand alone. I really enjoy the style of writing in this series and the stories come to life before you as you read. I found myself tearing up and angry and then the next minute I was fist pumping and hollering for a victory! I’m excited about the next book but was a bit surprised as to the characters in the next one!! I was just sure it would be someone else featured but hopefully their story is coming soon too!

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Chicken Little Investigates (Science Folktales) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Julie Johnson

Chicken Little investigatesChicken Little investigates by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“The sky is falling!”

Most of us are familiar with this popular saying by Chicken Little. This great little STEM focused book follows up on that saying with a physics lesson that also includes Turkey Lurky, Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, and Goosey Loosey. Foxy Woxy will also make an appearance but we all know how sly those foxes can be!

The illustrations are great in this book as well. The words appear to be interactive on the page which makes this one even more fun!

Add this to the list to share with a youngster in your life!

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His Forever Muse (The Echo Series Book 2) by C.R. Alam – Review by Julie Johnson

His Forever Muse (Book 2 of The Echo Series)His Forever Muse by C.R. Alam
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’ve been anxiously waiting to get my hands on this book after reading the first book in this series! This book, while the second in a series, can be easily read as a stand alone.

Brandon Rossi is the front man for a rock band, Canis Major and his best friends are his band mates. He’s restless as the band has just come off a huge international tour and his artwork is slowing down a bit. He’s ready to get out and find what it is that he’s missing. Rae, one of his dearest friends, encourages him to travel and continue doing some artwork while he’s seeing sights. Brandon decides to go to Morocco to visit his friend Chris, and while there, he meets up with an art gallerist.

Calliope Chen-Bisset is that art gallerist and once she lays eyes on Brandon, a lot of great childhood memories come flooding back to both her and Brandon. Callie is the sister of one of Brandon’s bandmates and while they never hooked up while growing up, there has always been some sort of attraction there. Brandon helped Callie get through some difficult points in her life but not the most difficult ones.

Sparks start to fly between Callie and Brandon as soon as they lay eyes on each other but it’s been 15 years since they last saw each other. Callie’s family hasn’t mentioned her in years and, truth be told, there has been a bit of a rift between them too. Callie has experienced things that no woman…no person ever should experience but now that Philippe is a part of her life, she will always be looking over her shoulder. He’s the crazy ex-lover who just won’t let go.

Can Brandon keep his reputation in tact while learning to love Callie and her scars?

I loved this book and already can’t wait for the next one! There are some difficult topics covered and the author does issue a warning at the beginning of this book. I was not personally triggered by any of the scenes as they were handled quite delicately with enough information to let the reader know what happened without being overly graphic. This is a second chance romance of sort, but more importantly, a phoenix rising from the ashes story.

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Manipulator’s War (Ruarnon Trilogy Book 1) by Elise Carlson – Review by Julie Johnson

Manipulator's War (Ruarnon Trilogy, #1)Manipulator’s War by Elise Carlson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This fantasy book may appeal to those who enjoy time travel, war, and sea monsters along with high stakes situations involving a lot of threats and murder. There is a lot of action that takes place in this book. At times, it became very difficult for me to keep up with who was doing what and where. There are times the writing was a bit choppy too. It’s a debut author so there is definitely a lot of room for growth, and I’m sure it will take place. I had a very difficult time keeping up with the characters too. I understand that a book of this length and depth will have a variety of characters but it almost seemed too much for me. I did feel for the main characters and the challenges that they faced and the decisions that these young minds were tasked to make. I even teared up in a couple of scenes. I’m sure that there are others who really loved this book but for me, it just wasn’t my style.

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What Loretta’s Katydid Did (Loretta’s Insects) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Julie Johnson

What Loretta's Katydid didWhat Loretta’s Katydid did by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Loretta’s grandma gives her an orange tree that she can grow even though she lives in Colorado. When inspecting the tree, Loretta finds some aphids. Grandma tells her that she should remove them to protect the integrity of the plant. Loretta decides to leave them there and, ultimately, she’s glad that she did. Will Loretta’s orange tree help her to win the science fair at school?

Again, Lois Wickstrom has written another great children’s book! This one is a part of a series on bugs and has a science focus on it. This book would be inspiring to a child about to enter their first science fair!

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Streets of Shadow by Rebecca Bischoff – Review by Julie Johnson

Streets of ShadowStreets of Shadow by Rebecca Bischoff
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Kenna is a 15 year old young lady when she finds out that her dear sister, who is more like her mother, has been murdered. When Kenna goes to her Grandfather, the Earl, she is comforted by him, but only briefly. Next thing she knows, she’s being put in a carriage and taken to Stewart’s Close. It’s an alleyway that is in the most extreme poor of communities. She’s also being accused of the murder of her sister. If that’s not enough, Stewart’s Close is under quarantine because of Kenna…she may have brought the plague to them.

Kenna has suddenly gone from a Lady to a beggar. She’s sleeping in the filthiest of places and stealing for food. It’s a battle of survival for her! No one wants anything to do with the “Poisoner” until Donny and his wife decide to take her in…but at a price.

Will Kenna be able to avenge her sister’s death? Will she ever regain her rightful place as a Lady in society? Will she even be able to survive?

This book grabbed me from the get-go! It’s full of adventure and history. There are plot twists at every corner as well! This is my first read by this author but I’ll be looking for more of her work!

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The Empty Box (Invisible Magic Wand Series) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Julie Johnson

The Empty Box (Invisible Magic Wand)The Empty Box by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It’s Caspian’s Un-Birthday and Grandpa has gifted him with a box. Only problem is, it’s an empty box! Grandpa tells Caspian that there’s a wand inside and that he needs to name it in order for it to work. Once Caspian gives the wand a name, his world becomes so much more interesting!

I love the adventures that Caspian and his Grandpa have! I wish I’d have had a Grandpa like him! Lois Wickstrom writes engaging stories for youngsters and I have loved all her books so far! The illustrations are also very vivid and appealing.

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A Dress To Remember: A Fairy Tale by K.L. Small – Review by Julie Johnson

A Dress To Remember: A Fairy TaleA Dress To Remember: A Fairy Tale by K.L. Small
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Princess Zarina is a very selfish princess. She’s the 13th child of the King and Queen and is definitely very spoiled as well. Her Royal Advancement is coming up in the next couple of weeks and she is need of a new dress. However, her parents call a family meeting and announce that things will be a bit different for this ceremony.

Princess Zarina decides to take matters in her own hands when it comes to her dress. Afterall, the royal dressmaker will be busy with the Queen and other Princesses’ dresses. Zarina’s dress MUST be special. Auntie tells her about a dressmaker so one day, Zarina pays her a visit and puts in her order.

The whole world changes when Princess Zarina picks up her dress. It’s not at all what she wanted and things just start to fall apart for Princess Zarina and her kingdom. Can they ward off those who’ve come to destroy their dynasty?

This book reminded me a little bit of the Wizard of Oz. It seems like that kind of fairy tale. I’ve seen others who’ve compared this book to Brave and Cinderella. All are fitting. Young readers will love the story and will hopefully learn from Princess Zarina and her mistakes. Watching her grow throughout this story should inspire people who are reading.

This was my first read by this author but I’ll be looking for her other works.

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A Stranger in Disguise (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Julie Johnson

A Stranger in Disguise: An Italian Murder Mystery (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome)A Stranger in Disguise: An Italian Murder Mystery by P. J. Mann
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Fans of Macbeth and crime/suspense stories will find this novel set in Rome, Italy to be intriguing.

A theatre troupe has been commissioned to perform the dreadful play Macbeth in a failing theatre. Anyone familiar with the story knows that bad things tend to happen to anyone involved in the production. A double murder does take place and it’s up to Detective Scala and his team to solve it.

Long hours, stakeouts, interviews, etc. all take place to come to the bottom of whodunit in this fourth book in the Detective Scala series. I was unaware that this was a series and read this book as a standalone without feeling like I had missed any previous information. I did find this book slightly slow in reading. Maybe it’s because I’ve been glued to the tv watching a high profile murder case that just wrapped up today.

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The Thieves (The Millersville series) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Julie Johnson

The ThievesThe Thieves by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Jasmine (Jas) loves her dad. She’d do anything for him and when he tells her that he has a devastating lung disease that doesn’t have the best hopes for recovery, Jas steps in and does what any daughter might do. Or would they? Jas works for a man who’s pretty shady and is laundering money. She takes a risk and steals the money needed to get her dad into a treatment center. Next thing you know, sirens and badges are involved and she finds herself stranded on the side of the road.

Soon, Jas learns who her friends are and even makes new friends along the way and she is on a “vacation of a lifetime” trying to get her dad to treatment. This book has all kinds of ups and downs. There are periods of extreme intensity and others where there are smiles or laughter. I became a fan of Robbie but it took me a minute to warm up to her.

This book is a pretty fast read and will keep you on the edge of your seat. You just never know who’s going to to show up or what’s about to happen until it does. I picked up this book after reading Shore Lodge: A high-stakes psychological thriller and was not at all disappointed. I look forward to more books in this series!!

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Saving the Gingerbread House by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Julie Johnson

saving the gingerbread housesaving the gingerbread house by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a fun little take on the Hansel and Gretel story. Along with their dad, Hansel and Gretel take a walk into the woods. Dad has taught the kids well to leave a bread crumb trail to find their way back. Dad is telling the kids to be careful of the witch in the woods. They hear a bird and take off looking for it and in the meantime, come across a beautiful gingerbread house. The animals are eating it so the kids decide to try some for themselves. Then the homeowner comes out and puts the kids to work. She’s wanting to win the “most beautiful house” award but it’s becoming impossible with the bricks disappearing.

I’m a huge fan of Lois Wickstrom and her books just don’t disappoint! The illustrations are very vivid and the stories are engaging. Most, if not all, of her books also have some learning component to them as well. These books need to be in every home, daycare, school, library, etc!

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How To Write A Historical Novel And Love It by TL Clark – Review by Julie Johnson

How To Write A Historical Novel And Love ItHow To Write A Historical Novel And Love It by T.L. Clark
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There has been a lot of time and energy, as well as research, put into the writing of this book. In this practical guide, T.L. Clark shares tips that she’s learned from her many years of writing. She does so with a bit of humor sprinkled throughout too!!

One of the most helpful tips that I gained from this book was the research that needs to go into the “when” aspect of a historical novel. There is an outline of different time periods that are typically written about, which includes the British set versus the timeline of the United States. I actually felt like I was reading a history novel in and of itself, which I found very enjoyable.

While I do not have aspirations to be a writer, it was nice getting a glimpse inside the brain of a writer and learning some of the groundwork that goes into the novels that I enjoy reading so much! There are so many things I had never considered that goes into the research and reading this book gave me a much better appreciation of the finished products that are published.

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What I Wish I’d Known: For Writers by H.D. Thomson – Review by Julie Johnson

What I Wish I'd Known: For Writers: 100 Authors Reveal What They Wish They'd Told Their Younger SelvesWhat I Wish I’d Known: For Writers: 100 Authors Reveal What They Wish They’d Told Their Younger Selves by H. D. Thomson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book features 100 different authors who are giving advice to anyone wishing to write a book. It’s a fairly simple read but full of ideas, advice, as well as struggles and challenges one might face during the process of writing and/or publishing a work of art. It’s a showcase of the good, bad, and ugly for lack of a better explanation!

If you write at all, you are a writer. These tips could potentially benefit someone who is writing a dissertation for class, someone looking to improve their writing skills, or someone looking to write a book. The snippets from the authors are generally short, but full of motivation.

The authors cover all aspects of writing from getting started, to marketing, editing, and so many other areas. One of my personal favorite lines was “write one sentence a day” and your work will grow from there. Just get started!!

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The Exchange by Nadija Mujagic – Review by Julie Johnson

The Exchange: A NovelThe Exchange: A Novel by Nadija Mujagic
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Haunting. Bizarre. Suspenseful. Twisted. Tormenting. Sad. Hollow.

These are a few words to describe this novel as well as how it left me feeling at the end. This one will grip you from the first page and leave you possibly doing a happy dance and throwing a victory fist in the end.

Samantha “Sam” has had enough of her mother and living in New Mexico. Her sights are set on the big lights of California and the dream of becoming a well-known actress. Once she gets confirmation of an audition, Sam sets the wheels in motion to find an apartment and get herself out to California. When the audition doesn’t go as planned, Sam looks for work and has to look no further than a local coffee shop. She’s given a warning the first day of work to never be late and has no intentions of doing so. Her co-worker Michael is giving her some weird vibes and her boss…well he’s a bit of a creep but he’s given her an opportunity to work while looking for her big break.

Then Corey enters her life. He has a nice car, a huge house with a pool, and seems to be on the right track in life. Afterall, he has a friend who is going to introduce Sam to the right people and get her the auditions she’s been after. Corey isn’t around much though. He’s flying important people all around the world.

Things start to get weird for Sam and she finds out she’s pregnant, although she doesn’t remember doing anything that would cause that for her. That’s when Corey drops the bomb on her that she’s to exchange her baby for her acting career. Sam starts to find out that she really can’t trust anyone she knows and something isn’t sure she should trust herself.

This book isn’t going to be for everyone. There are several issues that could be triggers for certain people. I did find this book enjoyable though and was a bit intrigued as to how it all happened right up until the very end. There were parts of the story that did seem to drag some but overall, a recommended read.

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My Inner Critic by Christine Bernard – Review by Julie Johnson

My Inner CriticMy Inner Critic by Christine Bernard
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

An introspective read by an extroverted introvert…

Emily is a high functioning person with anxiety. It impacts every aspect of her life from work, friends, and relationships. Maybe that’s why she’s 38 and still single. Or maybe she truly hasn’t found “the one” just yet. She frets over things that haven’t happened yet but also won’t back down from a challenge even though her inner self is screaming to run.

This book is very relatable on so many levels. Emily’s life isn’t much different from mine or many other women that I know. The fact that this author has sprinkled a mixture of truth of her own story into the telling of Emily’s story makes this a much more inspiring read. While this is a work of fiction, there is a lot of truth and lessons that can be taken from this narrative.

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Echoing Hearts (The Echo Series Book 1) by C.R. Alam – Review by Julie Johnson

Echoing Hearts (Book 1 of The Echo Series)Echoing Hearts by C.R. Alam
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Rae Allen doesn’t believe in love or happily ever after. She’s seen enough in her family to jade her for life. Thankfully, she has some pretty awesome friends, especially her best friend Brandon, who are there for her when things get rough. Her friendship with Brandon is more of a kindred kind…they are thicker than thieves, almost as if they were brother and sister. Brandon would do anything for Rae, especially after she helped him and his band land an amazing producer!

Dean Rowland is living a life of luxury. He’s surrounded by wealth, fame, and women. He’s living the life as one might say, proud of all his accomplishments. Except for the one thing he couldn’t conquer…getting married. After being jilted at the alter, Dean is happy to swear off women forever.

Rae gets a call for a favor. Her friend needs her to go and check out this house in Georgia for the next issue of the magazine that she publishes. This house is a bit mysterious and Rae doesn’t get a lot of background on it. When she arrives at the house, she can’t seem to get anyone to come to the door, even though they should be expecting her. The next scene will be on that will change her life forever and have her heart sending echoes out across Lake Lanier.

This was a very enjoyable read for a lazy Saturday afternoon! I read this book in one sitting. It’s a typical romance read and one where both main characters should be hog tied for their antics towards each other. This does have a happy ending and I even found myself tearing up in the end!

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Loretta’s Caterpillar (Loretta’s Insects) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Julie Johnson

Loretta's Caterpillar (Loretta's Insects #4)Loretta’s Caterpillar by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Loretta loves various types of bugs. This book focuses on monarch butterflies.

In May, Loretta sees a milkweed field full of monarch butterflies but shortly after seeing them, they disappear. This upsets Loretta, as she really enjoys looking at butterflies. She makes a trip to the milkweed field and sees lots of little “seeds” on the back of plants. She soon learns that these “seeds” are going to turn into caterpillars, which turn into butterflies. Loretta is able to watch the various stages in which a butterfly is formed.

I am a huge fan of Lois Wickstrom and her books!! This one is unique in that some of the words are different shaped to represent what they are saying. There is also a bit of information in the back of the book about monarch butterflies, milkweed plants, and where to obtain milkweed seeds. It also shows the differences in male and female monarchs. I learned a couple of things reading this book! This is a great book to read to anyone of any age and would be great in a homeschool, daycare, personal library, etc!

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The Authorpreneur Yellowpages by Winnifred Tataw – Review by Julie Johnson

The Authorpreneur YellowpagesThe Authorpreneur Yellowpages by Winnifred Tataw
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a different book for me to read but I’m trying to branch out. I chose to read this non-fiction book because I have a family member who is interested in building his business as an author.

This book is very informative for those who are wanting to branch out into the work of authorship. This is very much set up like a yellow page directory is, chocked full of information on various facets of writing and publishing. There is a checklist, a section describing the publishing process, talk of book covers with a list of resources for designers, and editing services. Other areas include publishing services, black owned and operated businesses, marketing tools, and how to obtain freelance work. Lastly, there is advice on how to find beta readers and how to/why to use an ARC (advanced reader copy). The author of this book ends with encouragement for the future writer.

If you’re looking to get into the world of writing/publishing, this book would be a great resource to have handy!

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Grace Under Fire (The Anderson Sisters Book 2) by Jennifer Raines – Review by Julie Johnson

Grace Under FireGrace Under Fire by Jennifer Raines
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

We meet up with Grace’s family again in this second installment of the Anderson Sisters. Grace is an artesian cheese maker who’s looking to buy her family’s farm to keep it in the family. There is a lot of drama surrounding the farm and who could potentially be the next owner.

Ryan Wilson has known the Anderson family for many years. He grew up on the farm next door. His brother and Grace were very close friends until his brother’s untimely death. Ryan’s a runner…from people and situations. He does, however, enjoy flipping a great land deal over.

Can Grace and Ryan form an alliance to save the Anderson family farm?

This is an enjoyable read set in Australia. Jennifer Raines doesn’t shy away from tackling difficult issues in her stories. The reader may find themselves in the family as they read these stories! I would suggest reading Taylor’s Law if you haven’t yet either! Both of these can be read as stand alones but I would recommend them both!

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Caspian’s UnBirthday (Invisible Magic Wand) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Julie Johnson

Caspian's UnBirthday (Invisible Magic Wand)Caspian’s UnBirthday by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It’s Caspian’s UnBirthday and Grandpa gifts him with a very unique gift. That gift will take Caspian and Grandpa on an unforgettable adventure for the day!!

This is a super cute book with superior graphics. The colors on the illustrations are very vibrant and capture the eye and will hold a listener or reader’s interest while reading or hearing this story. Children will love the idea of an unbirthday gift and will likely ask for unique gifts, just as Caspian receives!

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Shore Lodge by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Julie Johnson

Shore Lodge: A high-stakes psychological thriller (The Millersville series)Shore Lodge: A high-stakes psychological thriller by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a hard book to read….but it was so incredibly well written!!

Jacklyn Stone has recently lost her husband. Of course, she’s absolutely heartbroken and things are happening that shouldn’t. The bank accounts aren’t exactly up to par, she’s had a fender bender, misplaced her keys….all these things could be due to grief, or is it something more?

Dusty Stone is a contractor and the son of Jacklyn. He’s recently convinced his mom to give him power of attorney over her health and finances. He’s concerned that she’s really losing it and needs help beyond what he or his sister Rose could provide.

Rose Stone is a hard-working single mother doing everything she can to provide for her son. She’s not been the most attentive to her mother but agrees with Dusty’s assessment to have their mom go to Shore Lodge for a short period of time to get some rest.

The situations that take place once Jacklyn becomes a resident of Shore Lodge are disturbing at best and horrifying at their worst. I really felt for Jacklyn in her grief and could see through several of these situations and why she reacted the way that she did.

This is my first experience reading a book by Susan Specht Oram but hopefully not my last. I’ll be looking for more books as I found this one very intriguing and well written!

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The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney-A Review by Julie Johnson

The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy MysteryThe Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Delilah has recently moved to Snowflake Valley and she’s opening up a muffin shop. As she’s getting to know the community, she meets some very interesting people who become friends to her. Those friends are starting to share some of the recent happenings around Snowflake Valley, including a recent murder at the shop that she’s wanting to open.

Once Delilah gets opened up, she’s running from open to close. There isn’t much downtime at all and Delilah needs to hire some help. Once she starts that process, things start become more eerie. Can she keep this shop open and her sanity intact?

This was an enjoyable little mystery that I read in just a few short hours in one setting. There were a couple of times that I wanted to smack Delilah for the choices that she made but the ending made up for it all.

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