
Chatroom With A View by Glenn Maynard – Review by Julie Johnson

Chatroom With A ViewChatroom With A View by Glenn Maynard
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you’re a fan of psychological thrillers, add this one to your TBR and but read it immediately!!

Troy has been bullied his entire life and he’s finally had enough. His family isn’t well liked or respected in his community. The only reason Troy stays at home is to protect his mom from his dad. However, one night, Troy sees his parents in the cabin in the back yard and he realizes he has to go save his mom.

Veronica, who is Troy’s ex-girlfriend, starts popping back up with some very important news. Next thing Troy knows, Veronica is moving into his house.

The holes become more numerous and deeper!

Just when you think you know what direction this book is taking, the pendulum swings and a new situation is introduced which further deepens the story. I was on the edge of my seat while reading this one!!

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True Colors (Landry’s True Colors Series Book One) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Julie Johnson

True Colors (Landry's True Colors #1)True Colors by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Landry just wants to fit in with all the other girls. When an opportunity comes up to go and audition for a modeling agency, she and her friends all go together. Landry started finding out who her true friends were when she was the only one to make the next cut of auditions. All of a sudden, her besties got all weird on her and other people started gravitating towards her.

This story of Landry and her friends would best appeal to younger teens (ages 8-12). I felt like I was watching and listening to my daughters all over again! This story is full of teenage drama, shopping trips to the mall, and boy talk. There are some unresolved issues amongst the friends that kinda left a feeling of incompleteness. Overall, a decent read.

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Straight for the Kill (Benoit and Dayne Mystery Book 3) by Winter Austin – Review by Julie Johnson

Straight for the Kill (Benoit and Dayne Mystery, #3)Straight for the Kill by Winter Austin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is book 3 in a series. However, this could be read as a standalone. There will be bits and pieces that might be confusing so I do feel it best to read the books in order.

I read this book in just under 5 hours in one sitting. It’s gripping and will have it’s hooks in you from the start. Prepare accordingly with your favorite beveridge, a snack, and a blanket. You’re not going to want to put this book down.

Elizabeth Benoit is still a fairly new sheriff and, while she’s seen her share of things going on in her little county over the past couple of years, she was not prepared for a 25 year old bandaid to be ripped off. Elizabeth’s best friend, who is also Deputy Kyle Lundquist’s sister, was murdered 25 years ago. The case had essentially gone cold until recent events started looking a lot like what occurred back then. Deputy Detective Lila Dayne is on the case as an outsider, not really being privy to the previous event.

Is it possible that Elizabeth can finally put away the dirty, crooked former sheriff? His hands could be all over this but then there are new but old faces popping back up in town too.

I can’t say enough about this book but I also don’t want to spoil anything. Just do yourself a favor and carve out the time you need to read this one in one sitting!

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Arrrgh! Me Hate To Wait! by Mary Bleckwehl – Review by Julie Johnson

Arrrgh! Me HATE To Wait!Arrrgh! Me HATE To Wait! by Mary Evanson Bleckwehl
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Half-pint Porky is very excited about the opportunity to go to pirate school like her older siblings. She’s got a bit of a wait though. Half-pint Porky does NOT like to wait! When she’s finally able to go to pirate school, she can’t wait for it to end.

This is a super cute children’s book! Kids will love the pirate language as well as the vivid imagery in the pictures presented. There are a few fun alliterations to enjoy too! I would recommend this book for children of all ages, including us more seasoned! My favorite aspect of this book is the focus on patience and how being patient can bring a bigger reward in the end.

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Chasing Redemption (The Quimby Grove Series Book 2) by Shannon Nikole – Review by Julie Johnson

Chasing Redemption (Quimby Grove #2)Chasing Redemption by Shannon Nikole
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This one grabs you right from the get go and I read this entire book in one sitting!!

We get reacquainted with Max, who we met in Finding Starlight. I’m excited that he is featured in this story while still learning more about Beckett and Ellawyn. Max is on the beach playing his music and a drop dead gorgeous woman with a bottle of wine saunters his way. Marley is over it. She’s not only been the maid of honor but also the wedding coordinator for her ex-boyfriend. What a drag!

Before they know it, Max and Marley are all tangled up on the beach in a one night stand. They don’t know each other’s names, where they live, or anything about the other. They part ways and don’t think they’ll ever see each other again but neither of them forget the other.

Marley is back in Quimby Grove when she sees him and he sees her. She’s working so she’s not able to talk to him right away but when she finally does, she has news for him. He’s a dad.

Max realizes his life just took a MAJOR turn and he’s hoping it’s one for the better. Can he be a good dad to Jax and Izzy? What about a supportive significant other to Marley?

Life throws all kinds of curveballs as there are several different crimes being committed all of a sudden in Quimby Cove. The subject of the crime? Marley…but she’s innocent in it all.

I enjoyed this book but would have enjoyed it much more without all the unnecessary language. It was a bit excessive. The story in itself was intriguing and I look forward to hearing about Avery and Keenan!!

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Bees in Loretta’s Bonnet (Loretta’s Insects) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Julie Johnson

Bees in Loretta's BonnetBees in Loretta’s Bonnet by Lois J. Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Loretta is picking up logs to bring in to place in the hearth when a mysterious tube falls out. Come to find out, Loretta has found a nest for leafcutter bees. Loretta is all excited and asks her mother what she should do. Loretta finds a safe place for the nest until the weather is warmer and the bees begin their work.

This book focuses on the science of bees and pollination. The end of the book has directions on how to make your own bee nest.

The bee on the front cover of this book almost looks 3D!! It’s super cool looking (at least it is on my Kindle!) This book would be great for a library in a school, homeschool, co-op, daycare, or a personal one! I love this author and the science subjects that she covers.

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The Taste of Light (The Winemakers Book 2) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Julie Johnson

The Taste of Light (The Winemakers, #2)The Taste of Light by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This review is going to be hard to write without spoilers but I’ll do my best!

First of all, this is a stand alone book but I HIGHLY recommend reading book 1 (The True Purpose of Vines: An intoxicating historical romance about wine and love.) so you can have a proper understanding of Pedro. Reading this book first will probably ruin a lot of things for you!

I HATED Pedro in the first book. I mean, a deep loathing for the man. I can’t say that now. He’s found a way to redeem himself with the way he’s handled Anne. It took me awhile to be able to say that but he’s earned his redemption!

Anne is helping out her sister-in-law with the vines and dealing with an outbreak of Phylloxera when she meets Pedro. Anne is a polar opposite of Pedro, along with several years younger.

Can Anne show Pedro how to be a decent human being? Will Pedro find his redemption and deal with his past?

There’s a little bit of everything to love in this book. A great historical based story that includes some humor, spicy romance, and a redeeming heart!

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Married Blind (King of Screen Book 2) by Morgana Bevan – Review by Julie Johnson

Married Blind (Kings of Screen, #2)Married Blind by Morgana Bevan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Abi is pretty deep in debt due to her sister’s cancer diagnosis. Unsure of how to pay all these bills, a friend suggests to Abi to apply for the Married Blind television show. Abi thinks about and decides she really has nothing to lose. For 3 months she is going to hang out with a complete stranger who she’ll be married too. However, should she choose, she can walk away at the end and still get paid.

Finn is a television celebrity who’s had his share of scandal and controversy. The solution to repairing his reputation, according to his agent, is to secretly join the show Married Blind and get married. They’ll keep things on the down low while the show is taping and then once they’ve had time to get to know each other somewhat, they can go public. Finn’s not the least bit thrilled with this idea but knows he needs to do something to save his career.

Is it love at first sight? The attraction is there but not sure one could say it was love. Join Finn and Abi as they learn to be husband and wife while just meeting for the first time at the alter. Bonus feature is that Finn is Irish and his friends are all European. The author is also British and uses language from that part of the world. I learned a few new terms! This book is spicy and full of a story of love and redemption.

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A Dowry of Snails and Mud by Brittany Tucker – Review by Julie Johnson

A Dowry of Snails and MudA Dowry of Snails and Mud by Brittany Tucker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There’s a wedding in the village and Rhiannon’s not happy about it. Actually, no one really is! Due to some poor mismanagement of his territory, Mr. Caddell is having to marry his daughter off to the King’s son. One would think that this would be a fantastic arrangement, especially for Rhia, but the King has six sons and she’s to marry the sixth…a rogue named Emerys.

Rhia and Emerys know nothing about each other before exchanging “I do’s” and it doesn’t seem like they are going to get to know each other if Rhia has anything to say about it. She’s doing everything she can to push Emerys away, not realizing that he feels the same as she does about many things.

Can they overcome these differences and save the land from the King’s clutches?

I loved this read! It’s a bit of a rom-com with a medieval twist. There are several very funny expressions and the way that Rhia acts…well I found myself giggling. She’s very independent and strong willed! The story kept me engaged the entire time.

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Things are Shaking (Invisible Magic Wand Series) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Julie Johnson

Things are ShakingThings are Shaking by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Last year, Caspian received a very unconventional gift on his un-birthday from his grandfather. It was an invisible magic wand. Today, Caspian decides he’s going to use it during breakfast time to change the speed of what’s happening in the world. Caspian’s cousin Belinda becomes very upset and decides she must have an invisible magic wand from grandfather as well. As soon as grandfather hands her a wand, everything starts shaking and the trio is trying to figure out how to stop it using their wands.

This is a super cute book and I love the illustrations. They are very colorful and vibrant. Lois Wickstrom writes engaging stories that often times have a scientific lesson in them. I would recommend this book, as well as others by this author, to have in your personal/school/daycare library. These make great books for learning!

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My Pearl Heart by J.N. Sheats – Review by Julie Johnson

My Pearl HeartMy Pearl Heart by J.N. Sheats
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Jasmine (Jazzy) Hayes is a dedicated business woman in her event planning company, Divine Events. Her business partner, Cadence, is also her best friend. It’s never good to mix business with family or friends and Jasmine is learning her lesson pretty quickly.

James Conner is a bad boy and Jasmine kicked him out of his own parents’ anniversary party. James is incredibly attractive though and keeps coming on to Jasmine. However, he’s engaged to be married to another woman. It’s a crazy business deal, this pending marriage. He’s engaged to Cadence and Jasmine is responsible for planning the wedding. How is Jasmine ever going to plan this wedding with James coming on to her so much?

This novella was enjoyable. There is a lot of back and forth drama involved in the relationships that form/are forming and it times it seemed a little overdone. But overall, an enjoyable read.

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Falling Home (Buckeye Falls Book 1) by Libby Kay – Review by Julie Johnson

Falling HomeFalling Home by Libby Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This first read of 2023 was not disappointing!! Ginny needs to go home to take care of her dad with his upcoming hip replacement surgery. Going back home to Buckeye Falls comes with it challenges though! Max is still there and so are the feelings of love…love for Christmas, his diner, and his ex-wife Ginny. When Ginny finds out that Max is spending time with her dad, more issues come to light. How can Ginny survive this trying time with Max around? It’s also Christmas and the holidays are special in Buckeye Falls.

This is a sweet, second-chance romance novel that will have you cheering from the beginning all the way to the end!!

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Revenge Never Rests (Tallie Brown Suspense Book 2) by Laurie Lewis – Review by Julie Johnson

Revenge Never RestsRevenge Never Rests by Laurie L.C. Lewis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Tallie Brown has lived a life cloaked in lies. She just learned about those lies though and now there is more trouble. Tallie responds to an Amber Alert about a missing child and after securing the child, life gets pretty interesting. It’s discovered that the Amber Alert was a set up and that there were Somalian operatives after Tallie for her connections to other people. Can she escape their clutches and save General Kaswell in the process?

This book grabbed me from the get-go and didn’t want to let go! This story is full of adventure, love, redemption, and mystery. All great elements to put together this telling of Tallie’s life. From the opening notes, the author mentions how she wrote this book during a time of turmoil in our country and those elements are scattered throughout. Such a beautiful book that can be read as a stand-alone, however it is the second book in a series. I will be going back to read the first book as I missed it! There are details that will likely be cleared up by reading the first book.

Please don’t skip over the opportunity to read this great book!

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Where Do Pirates Go on Vacation? by Kim Ann – Review by Julie Johnson

Where Do Pirates Go on Vacation? : Fun pirate story that encourages imaginative and creative thinking. Ages 3 to 8, preschool to 2nd grade.Where Do Pirates Go on Vacation? : Fun pirate story that encourages imaginative and creative thinking. Ages 3 to 8, preschool to 2nd grade. by Kim Ann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The first thing that caught my eye about this book is the excellent graphics!! They are so clear and colorful and I young readers will love them as well! This book is great for beginning readers as they are very short sentences but this book could be enjoyed by all ages!

Have you ever wondered if pirates take vacations? Or, are they happy where they are on their ships? This book explores some of the possibilities for pirates and their leisure time. It opens doors for discussions about vacations taken or desired to be taken with the reader(s). Keep exploring and one never knows what they may discover!

This would make a great gift idea for an elementary education teacher, daycare, preschool, family library, and more!

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Amaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt – Review by Julie Johnson

Amaleigha Loves a Good StoryAmaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Amaleigha loves helping people and recently she’s noticed a need in her local school library. She presents an idea to her teacher and her grandfather, and together with other trusted adults, they hatch a plan to include bilingual books in the school library.

This is a cute book that could inspire a youngster to want to find a way to help others, whether it be a bilingual library like Amaleigha or some other brilliant idea. It also encourages readers to seek out others who may have experience in a given area that could possibly help them to implement their idea to fruition. I also like how this book featured multiple different languages to give young readers a multicultural experience while reading the book.

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Knight In The Museum (Jorja Knight Private Investigator Mystery Series Book 5) by Alice Bienia – Review by Julie Johnson

Knight In The Museum ( Jorja Knight Mystery -Book 5)Knight In The Museum by Alice Bienia
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I grew up a huge Nancy Drew fan and Jorja gives me some Nancy Drew vibes. She’s a personal investigator called in to determine all the who, what, when, where’s of a suspicious murder that involves links to a pre-Columbian artifact. Jorja puts her own personal spin on her tactics, which makes this book enjoyable. This story is full of twists and turns and has some humor sprinkled throughout the adventure.

Alice Bienia is a new-to-me author and this book is Book 5 in a series about Jorja. This book has left me wanting to go back and read the previous books. I did find this one enjoyable on it’s own though. I don’t often comment on the cover of a book but I found this one to be especially enjoyable! The picture and the title is what drew me to this read.

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Ladybugs for Loretta (Loretta’s Insects) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Julie Johnson

Ladybugs for LorettaLadybugs for Loretta by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Loretta is a little bit mischievous and loves to garden. Loretta wants to make sure that her garden is very fruitful and sees the ladybugs in her garden. She will do what she can to protect them through all seasons of their lives.

I learned some new things about ladybugs reading this book! I love Lois Wickstrom books and the lessons that are included within. Any of her books would make a great gift for the young (or even not-so-young) reader in your life!

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Return to Gallanvaig (A Quirk of Destiny Book 2) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Julie Johnson

Return to Gallanvaig: Beyond A Quirk of DestinyReturn to Gallanvaig: Beyond A Quirk of Destiny by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I don’t even know where to start with this review because there are so many wonderful things about this book. I don’t want to ruin anything though!!

It’s been a couple of years since the Genies started taking over. Calum finds himself even more intent of saving his family and those he loves. The Genies have gained power and are becoming even harder to stave off. Then another world power comes to light causing even more trouble.

What’s more troubling than this? The fact that this book could potentially become reality in some sense. Can humanity be humane again? Just like the previous book, don’t try to eat anything while reading this book. As a matter of fact, this book will have a person questioning food at all. How about finding a new source of nourishment?

This author has a way of gripping the reader from page 1 to the end. There is a significant cliffhanger that has me hungering for more and I can’t wait to read the next book!

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Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick – Review by Julie Johnson

Freedom Rings: Book Three of The CircleFreedom Rings: Book Three of The Circle by Brenda Hardwick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is quite an interesting book. I read this one without reading the first two books in the series so there was a bit of confusion for me on backstories and such. However, I do plan to go back and read the first two books, then this one again, for the proper context.

This book focuses on Soraya who is now in charge of leading The Circle. She finds herself in various predicaments having to go and save people, replace those lost, and strengthen the ones that she has. There is a lot of mischievousness going on with magic, a good vs evil point of view, removing people from the land due to the color of their skin, broken relationships, and so on. Not much different than what we see today (minus the magic).

The characters are very engaging and you’ll find yourself as a character in this story as well possibly. It’s hard to put down this read but, as previously mentioned, it would be beneficial to read the previous books first.

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And Then She Fell by Dreena Collins – Review by Julie Johnson

And Then She FellAnd Then She Fell by Dreena Collins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A mother’s love knows no bounds but as a mother, how well do you know your children? Catherine Keely’s daughter Susie died a year ago. She was on holiday with her boyfriend Daniel and some friends when she fell over a balcony. Was she drunk? Some say she was. Was she pushed? It’s pretty suspect. Catherine travels to Crete to try to get to the bottom of her daughter’s death. There are so many questions that she has. As she meets with Susie’s friends, her former boyfriend, and people who were present on the night of Susie’s death, different pictures emerge. All of them have some layer of truth to them but what really is the truth? She’s presented with ten different scenarios and the reader is challenged to choose the correct one.

This is another new-to-me author and I found her writing style to be very easy to read. She has a way of drawing the reader in to her story and not letting go even after the last words are read. This book is full of intrigue and lots of twists and turns. I hope you’ll enjoy this great little short story!

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The Sneaky Kitten (Invisible Magic Wand Book 4) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Julie Johnson

The Sneaky Kitten: Invisible Magic Wand Book FourThe Sneaky Kitten: Invisible Magic Wand Book Four by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another great read by Lois Wickstrom! Caspian and Grandpa are out for a walk when a frisbee comes whirring by them. It gets stuck up in a tree and Caspian realizes he can’t reach it. Then he remembers his hot chocolate socks Grandpa gave him so he runs home to put them on. When he returns, he’s able to retrieve the frisbee but gets so much more in return when a sneaky little kitten is also stuck up in the tree.

Super cute book but you might have to let the kiddos know that hot chocolate socks aren’t actually a thing! 😉

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Reckless Heart (Second Chance Romance Series Book 2) by Jane Suen – Review by Julie Johnson

Reckless Heart (Second Chance Romance #2)Reckless Heart by Jane Suen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mary and Brad have some history together but not the kind that Brad was really wanting to have. His heart was broken by Mary right before prom when she chose another man. Such is the life of men all over the country today. However, in the case of Mary and Brad, they are given an second chance at love when a well-meaning friend brings them back together.

I enjoy reading books by this author. They are real, raw, clean romance novels that have you feeling like you are a part of the story, or at least watching from the closest armchair. The characters are relatable and you’ll be cheering them on in their journey. There are a lot of ups and downs but in the end, the second chance is worth it!

Have you ever had a lost love story that you’d like to have a second chance on?

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Malayeka (Heartstrings Book 3) by Brooke May – Review by Julie Johnson

Malayeka (Heartstrings Book 3)Malayeka by Brooke May
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If you haven’t completely fallen in love with this series yet, you will be the end of this one! Book 3 features Malayela (Mala) and her quest to restore peace and harmony in a small town that she’s familiar with. The Reids and Thompsons fight like cats and dogs…or the Hatfields and McCoys.

This book is about redemption and righting wrongs..even if they are hundreds of years apart. Be sure to check out this fun rom-com! You won’t be disappointed!

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Faida (Heartstrings Book 2) by Brooke May – Review by Julie Johnson

FaidaFaida by Brooke May
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Faida is book two in the Heartstrings series but this can be read as a standalone.

Faida is another one of cupid’s six helpers. Faida’s heart is as cold as ice because of a previous lover doing her wrong. She finds herself assigned to Robert who’s heart is even colder than hers, if that’s even possible. Can they melt the ice and find love?

This is another fun-loving comedic romance that reads pretty quickly. I’m finding this series to be going well and I look forward to reading more!

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Aiko (Heartstrings Book 1) by Brooke May – Review by Julie Johnson

AikoAiko by Brooke May
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Aiko is quite possibly the worst choice Cupid could have made in an assistant. He needs some help though and Aiko is looking to make up for some past wrongs. When she runs into Alejandro, she has a newfound determination to do right for once. After all, she’s been eyeing him lately anyway.

This is a lighthearted, clean romantic comedy that is a bit of a welcome relief after some heavy reading and things that have been going on in my life. This is also a new-to-me author but not for long as I’m looking forward to reading more of her work in this series.

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The Fifth Daughter of Thorn Ranch by Julia Brewer Daily – Review by Julie Johnson

The Fifth Daughter of Thorn RanchThe Fifth Daughter of Thorn Ranch by Julia Brewer Daily
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book took my pleasantly by surprised. This is a new-to-me author and I fell in love with her writing from page 1. This is a dual told story from the perspective of Josie (the mother) and Emma (the daughter). I didn’t want this story to end!

This is a story of the love between a mother and daughter and how that love is deeper than most. The Thorn Ranch has been run and managed by a very successful line of strong Rosales women. Emma is the heir to the ranch and is a bit of a wild heart. She’s out on an adventure when her horse becomes injured and she’s a three-day ride from home. That adventure escalates when she discovers a whole new group of people on her land. Will Emma ever make it back home to her distraught mother?

I can’t say much more without giving away too much of this book. If you’re looking for a great adventure read, give this one a chance!

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If I Had a Magic Wand by Melissa Lavi – Review by Julie Johnson

If I had a Magic WandIf I had a Magic Wand by Melissa Lavi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a very sweet book that would make a beautiful gift for a baby shower or the birth of a new baby. It is written in flowy poetry and features a wand that is passed around. As the wand is passed, the person holding it bestows a wish on the young one. It’s very sentimental, inspiring, and sweet!

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Murder on Oak Street ( A South Shore Mystery Book 1) by I.M. Foster – Review by Julie Johnson

Murder on oak streetMurder on oak street by I. M. Foster
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you love a good mystery full of plot twists, this one is for you! The author keeps you guessing right up until the very end, which will keep you engrossed in the story.

Daniel O’Halleran is tired of people overlooking theories and facts regarding murders. What point is there in working a case if they are going to come to the conclusion that they want regardless of the actual events? When his fiance stands him up at the altar, Daniel knows it’s time for a change. When he starts looking into a two year old murder case for a new acquaintance, he realizes it’s the first murder he ever worked and nothing seemed right about it to him. Then another murder takes place, practically in Daniel’s backyard and it’s just too uncanny for him.

This is a new-to-me author and I wasn’t sure about this book at first. I’m so glad that I gave it a chance as it’s highly enjoyable, and as previously mentioned, will keep you guessing on the mystery of these two murders.

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Amaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt – Review by Julie Johnson

Amaleigha and the Big IdeaAmaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amaleigha is an adorable 5 year old girl who wants to change the world. Imagine if 5 year olds ran the world!! There would be all sorts of fun activities and that’s just want Amaleigha wants. She goes off running barefoot through the woods, laying in the grass looking up at the sky, playing in water…she’s become one with nature and loves how it makes her feel. It’s her desire to share that with everyone so one night after dinner, she shares her plan with her family and they wholeheartedly support her.

This is a great book to inspire confidence in a young mind. It also goes to show that you can do anything you set your mind too. This book, while it features a young girl, could also be applied to a young boy as well.

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The Kidnapping by Linda Burson – Review by Julie Johnson

The KidnappingThe Kidnapping by Linda Burson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Linda Burson is a new-to-me author but not for long as I will be looking for more of her books. I love her writing style!

Jenna has recently left her fiancé Steve. All he wanted was her money but she wanted so much more. Jenna starts scoping out new hangouts and finds a bar where no one really knows who she is or how much money she has. She’s sworn off men but then Andy walks in the bar. Andy’s minding his own business but finds Jenna to be an interesting and slightly attractive woman. Jenna reciprocates the feelings. It’s when Andy is handed an envelope that things start to change for these two strangers. Inside the envelope is a note with a significant amount of cash. Andy has to make a decision as to what to do with this envelope and the knowledge that he now has.

This is the where they mystery begins. I’ll not ruin anything but the reader will be in for a pretty wild ride with these two and this envelope.

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