
Rise of the Hunter (Blood Prophecy Series) by Barb Jones – Review by Santana Hicks

Rise of the HunterRise of the Hunter by Barb Jones
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The ‘Tall dark man’ lost his battle with the queen and her entourage three years ago and he was thrown into the pit. Three years later, he is back for vengeance. Three prophecies were told, two have come to pass. The third is all in favor of evil. The tall dark man has a coven of witches which he commands to make a demon army to take down those from the past and to find a certain Angel.

Meanwhile the queen and her group are trying to learn more about this third prophecy and how they can stop the tall dark man once again.

This book was really difficult to get into. It kept jumping from different dates in the past and present from different characters’ point of views. It was really hard to keep track of whose who and what’s what. The storyline itself was interesting. There were many different supernatural beings, vampires, demons, werewolves and even gods. I also liked learning about different Hawaiian gods and goddesses but it was hard to be fully immersed when I spent a big portion of the time a little confused. Maybe it would have been better if I read the previous books in the series first?

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